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Operation “Throw my Shoe” at any Nigerian Politician, Public Servant and treasury Looter that Comes to Europe or America to Launder our Funds or his image

June 28, 2009

Image removed.Fellow Nigerians: We have decided to organize! This is a movement of an oppressed people! We have decided to go medieval on the looters of our treasury and destroyers of our common weal.

With my membership of this movement, I pledge to donate one or more old and decrepit shoes of mine or “takalami” to the face of any Nigerian Public official, who comes to any country in Europe or America, where I reside to launder our funds, hide his loot or launder his image.

This is in vehement protest to what they have done to my country.

I pledge not only to donate one OLD shoe, but to throw it as a missile, myself on the face of the looter whenever he surfaces in my neck of the woods.

I pledge to organize and get other Nigerians in my surroundings to join this campaign.

I pledge not to throw eggs except VERY ROTTEN ones, as a mark of respect to the millions of Nigerians that cannot afford an egg and animal protein in their diet.

I pledge not to throw tomatoes since many Nigerians cannot even afford this staple in the Nigerian economy of today.

I pledge not to throw WATER at them, except DIRTY, SMELLY SEWAGE FLUID; in memory of millions of Nigerians who have no access to potable water, and whose bodies are condemned to become playgrounds for guinea worm and other waterborne diseases.

I will only throw DISCARDED, OLD and WORN OUT shoes in deference to millions of Nigerian kids that cannot afford shoes.

I pledge to throw all this rotten materials at them, not only to protest but to compel a rethink in these heads that have refused to think for their people.

Nigerian politicians must be forced to be responsible, if they cannot behave themselves.

Nigerian Public Officials: Beware! Europe and America are not more hiding places for your loot.

We will snoop you out. We would meet you at your ports of entrance and departure. And we will embarrass you to a point that you have never been embarrassed in your life before. And we will post your embarrassment on YOUTUBE and other sites to globally publicize your embarrassment.

If you don’t want this embarrassment, sit down at home and find solutions to the mess you have made of our land.

Emmanuel Franklyne Ogbunwezeh, Chief Shoe Thrower.


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