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MEND attacks Shell facility

July 4, 2009

  Image removed.  " I will bring one more plague on Pharaoh and on Egypt. After that, he will let you go from here, and when he does, he will drive you out completely."
                                                                                       - Jehovah (Exodus 11:1)

Showing no signs of abating, Hurricane Piper Alpha which upgraded to Hurricane Moses  lashed out at the Shell Well Head 20, located at Cawthorn Channel 1 today, July 05, 2009 at about 0300 Hrs leaving total destruction in it's wake. The facility connects to the Bonny loading terminal in Rivers state.
    Just in case the JTF spokesman denies that this attack ever took place, no one should be surprised.
    Jokes making the rounds in our camps is that when Rabe Abubakar was introduced as a son by his proud father at a recent gathering, his instinctive reply was to deny, saying it was baseless and a figment of his father's imagination!
    His mother who was also present became horrified because for the first time in her sons life as a chronic liar he came close to revealing the truth of a secret she had promised to take to her grave, that indeed Rabe is not his biological son.
    For the JTF to deny that HRM Isaac Thikan, the traditional ruler they abducted is not in their custody should be a worrisome development and may be a confirmation that he has been actually killed. Time will tell.
    Hurricane Moses is unique. It will combine dialogue in tandem with phased attacks that increase in intensity until its goal has been achieved. 
    This strategy was approved by Jehovah when He commanded Moses and Aaron to verbally convince a stubborn Pharaoh  to free the people of Israel from years of bondage and at the same time taking actions to ensure compliance.
    Aaron represents the various groups and individuals that will be doing all the talking on our behalf because we speak with faltering lips.
    MEND wishes to disown the elders claiming to speak on our behalf at this time and that includes Chief E.K.Clark.
     At the appropriate time, we will be putting together a team of notable Nigerians drawn from every tribe in the Niger Delta and some others outside the region to represent the group.
    Let Northern Nigeria keep the political positions they desperately crave for, and retain Egypt built from the resources and detriment of the Niger Delta. But one thing they must let go this time is our freedom, which is fiscal federalism.
    The plague of attacks which first started in late 2005 can only intensify until the stubborn, greedy, arrogant and wicked Nigerian Pharaohs that have held the Niger Delta and its people captive for 50 years will have no other choice than to let my people go.

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