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NDE and its way of disbursement

July 21, 2009

Sir/Ma, Permit me a space in your widely read and updated website to air the above subject which has hitherto pose a very crucial factor in the so-called seven point agenda of our federal government.

NDE, the acronym of National Directorate of Employment is a scheme/programme established by the Federal Government of Nigeria to cater for the needs of people who want to be self-employed(entrepreneur) so that the level of unemployment and complete dependency can be reduced if not totally eradicated.But how successful has this scheme gone considering the alarming rate at which Nigerian graduates are trooping out into the cloudy and uncertain "Money market or in better language,Favour market".For one to register for GAP( Graduate Assistance Programme) in one's locality is an herculean task that requires you to reciprocate with some unaccounted-for cash which our NDE officials in charge swallowed before a form can be coughed out to you.

In addition, we have been hearing the NDE through her many officials in different states blabbing about their  "arrangee" successes.Agreed ! but how sincere and fair has this organisation address the issue of jobless Nigerian graduates that do not have Godfathers in the Government parastatals?

I urge our government to expedite action on this and let us know the real meaning and functions of their so-called NDE in order to stop us from hoping in an established hopeless arena.


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