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London evenings with Okey Ndibe

July 25, 2009

Image removed.Okey Ndibe, novelist, political columnist, essayist and author of the highly acclaimed Arrows of Rain (Heinemann, 2000) teaches fiction and literature at Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut. He has also taught at Connecticut College in New London, Connecticut and Simon’s Rock College in Great Barrington, Massachusetts. He is completing another novel, Foreign gods, Incorporated, as well as a memoir titled An African Doing Dutch in America.

Thurs 30th July 2009 - Okey reads fiction & non-fiction

Fri 31st of July 2009 - Storytelling by Okey & Networking

Fri 7th of August 2009 - Invite Only Wine Reception
(Please send an email or telephone to confirm a seat)

Venue: 3 Birkbeck Street, off Cambridge Heath Road,
Bethnal Green, London E2 6JY.
Nearest tube: Bethnal Green Tube

Time: 8pm - 10pm

RSVP: Josephine Amuwo
[email protected] OR [email protected]
020 7099 1664

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