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Akwa Ibom over-abused "Witch" children: Pastor Helen Ukpabio's supporters attack child rights conference in Calabar-VIDEO

July 28, 2009

Image removed. Supporters of Helen Akpabio stormed the Calabar Cultural Center today with the intent of disrupting a child's rights conference being sponsored by Stepping Stones Nigeria and the Nigerian Humanist Movement. The crowd of over 150 fanatics stormed into the hall chanting religious slogans and intimidating the small crowd, which they outnumbered by more than 5 to 1.

Organizers of the event, and the crowd in general, were insulted and physically assaulted to the point where they were forced to abandon the meeting hall and reassemble outside the grounds of the Cultural Center. The police eventually arrived to disperse the mob and a few hours later the conference continued with a large number of supporters in attendance.{youtubejw}bWktZEj6OZ8{/youtubejw}

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