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Where are the good men?

August 27, 2009

I just returned from Nigeria from a three weeks holiday. From east to west, north to south, it is clear to see how much the nation has deteriorated both in infrastructure and moral values.

Our so called leaders have seized the soul of the nation, become too powerful for the ordinary citizens and beyond reproach. They have all the instrument of coercion and have impoverished the people to the extent they have become zombies who cannot do anything but to sit and watch hopelessly.
We have far too long been talking about this situation without matching it with actions. Our nation needs us now. I have come to conclusion that we, Nigerians in Diasporas have a big role to play in directing our beloved nation in the right path.

This has become imperative now that the gang of thieves (PDP) have begun their evil machination again for 2011. A group who have shamelessly ruled for over ten year with absolutely nothing to show yet arrogantly preparing to continue to squander our resources with impunity. These wolves must be stopped at all cost and failure to do that this time will have a devastating impact on the nation.

Therefore I ask ,where are the good men?

Where are the good men that we sit and watch while idiots and mediocre reduce our people to abject poverty?

Where are the good men that our schools have been reduced to a breeding ground for thieves and kidnappers?

Where are the good men that watch while our roads have become death traps?
I am, therefore calling on all good men to come out with me on the 1st of October to hold the biggest peaceful demonstration in London, New York ,Washington DC, and Los Angeles.

Please join me and let us do all we can to stop this looters and blood sucking monsters from our treasury.

N/B I am happy to give my email address to people who will want to participate in the demonstration.

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