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Tribute to Gani Fawehinmi

September 4, 2009

Chief Gani Fawehinmi was a maverick. A nationalist of the highest degree. A pioneer of Human Rights Activism and advocacy in this shores. He inspired several generations of human rights actvists and social engineers in the country. He doggedly and unreservedly fought against oppression, repression, dictatorship, retrogression, imperialism, greed, avarice, bad governance and leadership in the country consistently and persistently for several decades.

He fought against militarism when everybody was hobnobbing with the military protenates. He refused several appointments offered him by the decadent political class to compromise. He was a businessman who revolutionalized law reportage, legal scholarship and activism in nigeria with the establishment of the nigerian weekly law report twenty some thing years ago. He was iconic figure and to my mind the greatest legal practitioner and nigerian of the century. Adieu Gani Fawehimi a through and through nationalist, freedom fighter, leftist and died in the wool humanism 

May God grant his soul eternal repose.

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