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Yaradua's Rule of Law and and the Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commissioners

September 22, 2009
To say your work is impressive will be doing you a disservice, you are doing the greatest job of all times and posterity will definitely be on your side. Your work has got me addicted, it will be unthinkable going a day without visiting your site many times over. Tt's just soothing assimilating the knowledge which you let us have free of charge. I bet they are people who will give anything to kill your work, fortunately this age doesn't allow that. Please keep it up. I'll like to use this forum to draw your attention to the plight of some eminent Nigerians who were virtually begged to come home and render their service, these are specialist in their own right who were eager to make a change. Today these people are languishing in Nigeria. I am referring to the unsung case of the Commissioners of Nigeria Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC)and its Chairman. There was so much hype about the case, but all of a sudden, the trail went cool. These people have been held hostage and their families and dependants are suffering untold hardship right now. My plea is that you beam your searchlight in their direction, because it is a clear case of bridge of "THE RULE OF LAW" of Mr. Yaradua. They were accused of stealing the commissions funds, running into billions of naira, but to date the EFCC has not been able to substantiate their claims as no money was found to be missing. They were instead charged for estacodes without recourse to the law establishing the commission. These honorables Nigerians have been barred from work since February 2009, without pay, their travel documents confiscated and even their official cars taken. It is know doubt that the minister for power, lanre babalola, has hand in their ordeal, having worked in the commission before being moved to the presidency and made minister. Unfortunately these commissioners have no godfathers that's why I am appealing to you as the ONLY voice of oppressed Nigerians to let their voices be heard and justice served. God bless Sahara Reporters. God bless the good people of Nigeria God bless Nigeria.

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