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Detained Nigerian physician moved to a secret location

October 11, 2009
"The lack of education re:US ATF regulations,and structured hunting is amazing .Ask the people in the fishing village in SA about the removal of a 14 ft croc that had killed two women washing at the stream. The people further down the river were tormented by a hippo with infected broken tusk that toppled their dugouts.The farmers in the SA tribal lands had a year's crop raided and destroyed by a rogue elephant.The meat from each of these animals were given to the villages and they expressed thanks.They had food,and protection from further danger/damages.They received "free" medical care.What I know for sure is that the "bullets" that are fired from the tongues of those that profess to love nature/wildlife are far more damaging and deadly to life than any bullet from any weapon could ever be.". It is surprising that the good doctor did not understand that anyone importing firearms and ammunition into Nigeria should apply for and obtain a firearms importation permit whether commercially or as personal effects. He should immediately apply for one and take responsibility for whatever penalties may be imposed by his oversight. If anyone tried importing arms into the US as personal effects and had no importation permit, they would be clapped into investigative incarceration irrespective of whether they had a licence to carry firearms.

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