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Who is General Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida, the evil genius?

November 16, 2009

Image removed.This man is not regarded as a true northerner from Nigeria. In the northern part of Nigeria, there is this muted discussion about General Ibrahim Babangida not being a Nigerian but from Niger Republic who was not regarded much until he agreed to join the army and was greatly encouraged by the oligarchy who demanded one thing from him, the institution of Islamic regime in Nigeria. He does not care much about anything unless it means power and control under his watch. He stepped aside and ever since, he has always being in the aside deciding how the people are controlled using military and civilians.

It was under him that Nigeria joined the Organization of Islamic countries and was pumping money into that Arab owned political/economic group. While his minions were declaring Islamic legal code in their states across the North, in the 1985-1993 that he was military president, Nigeria became an Islamic state. His second in command, Navy Commodore Ebitu Ukiwe was removed from being in that office for being bold enough to tell journalists that the issue of Nigeria being in the OIC was never discussed in Federal Executive meetings. The sultanate demanded his removal for being so bold to challenge their position.

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He sent letter bomb to Dele Giwa that snuffed the life of that great man out of this life. Dele was investigating the drug deal that involved Gloria Okon and Miriam Babangida and this man had to stop the investigative journalist through a letter bomb.

This man is behind the annulment of the only election that most of us ever voted for in the failed State called Nigeria. The oligarchy did not trust Abiola that he will be true to his muslim beliefs once in office and they had to go through Babangida to stop him. He canceled the election and almost plunged the country into civil war. Many people died in the roads of Nigeria as they were rushing back to their states of origin. He caused the death of very many people in all the western states of Nigeria including those that were killed at University of Lagos.

I am sending a petition to the Canadian government to apprehend this criminal and bring him for justice for the humiliation that I suffered there in 1993 while his soldiers and police were brutalizing the students inside the campus and at the gate along Akoka road.

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Babangida is single handedly the most corrupt Nigerian ruler that made  high crime in government a normal way of doing business in Nigeria. He has men in all levels of government. One of his state governor while he was president, David Mark, is the current Senate president in Nigeria and the ambassor to South Africa who is also known a criminal, is his man too. He has hand in who becomes what in Nigeria. It was him that single handedly appointed Obasanjo to be president.

He is the master rigger of elections. He stole more than $12 billion dollars from the oil windfall that Nigeria enjoyed at the desert storm of 1991 when the united states first invaded Iraq to drive Sadam out of Kuwait.

Babangida was the one that made it impossible for MKO Abiola, that man whose election brought down prices of staple food, but was truncated due to power play championed by Babangida.  Babangida gives no qualms about anyone since he believes that he is untouchable. He served the interest of Britain while in office and is said to be an agent of the CIA. His name opens doors in Minna where he has a mansion on a hill top.

Ibrahim Babangida was among the junior officers who joined hands in the killing of innocent Biafrans during the civil war. Though he later married the Miriam that is now dying of cancer from Asaba, the very location where people were made to face a big pit and then shot from back. People fell into those pit and were buried in mass graves. Those people were killed to avenge the death of Sarduana of Sokoto in the hands of the Major Chukwuma Kaduna Nzeogwu led revolutionaries.  Genocide took place in Asaba and is well documented just like other parts of Biafra.

Babangida is a war criminal and must be stopped by all means. Israel is still hunting down war criminals and it is about time that we start doing something about our country before the criminals get away and die quietly. Justice demands that they be made to stand trials for crimes committed during the war and the leadership of Nigeria under his watch. Since we can’t get justice from home, let’s do whatever we can to bring them to trial here in North America.

I appeal to all Sahara Reporters and her millions of readers around the world to rise up and take this man down since he is the one major factor that our land is in ruin right now. We must take the bull by the horn if we are ever to take this criminal gang that is tearing apart our land. That Nigeria is a failed state started at independence and was confirmed in blood when the people of the old Eastern Region were suffered ethnic cleansing- pogrom in northern states in 1966. It was this single episode that prepared the grounds for the civil war that cost 3000,000 Biafrans through blockade and the bombs and guns of Nigerian soldiers and their foreign conspirators.

It is Babangida’s policy position that is causing deaths in the Niger Delta. People he put in positions of authority are behind the killings of the indigenous land owners who are being killed by the army and police to enable Nigeria harvest the oil fields.

Babangida is also known to be part of the group of past heads of states of Nigeria that got bribed by Halliburton of the United States

Emeka Eze

[email protected]

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