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The falsehood of Akin Braithwaite: the customer relations executive of MTN

December 22, 2009

Sir: Let me first and foremost sympathize with 65 of my former colleagues whose careers were needlessly terminated by the little god of customer relations department of MTN: Mr Akin Braithwaite who by this singular act is breeding an alien culture in the organisation.

In defence of the wonderful memory of my colleagues whose meritorious contributions to the growth of MTN Nigeria could not be denied, I wish to react to the tissues of lies concocted by Mr. Braithwaite to justify his brazenness in relieving the 65 members of staff without rhyme or reason on Wednesday, 18th November 2009 and reported in the Punch Newspapers of Friday, 20th November 2009. This unprecedented action has thrown the whole department into a mournful look and ridicule.

Foremost, I wish to appeal to the Nigerian Press to dig into these lawless activities of Customer Relations Department of MTN in order to nip in the bud the blooming dictatorship of Braithwaite whose leadership style that allows no dissent may soon throw the telecom giant into crises of monumental proportions.

MTN as an organization can be described without contradiction as a respectable organization that does things according to international best practices; this culture painstakingly built over the years is now unfortunately being buffeted by the current Customer Relations Exec’s philistine arrogance. A delicate bull in the China’s shop, he needs to be prudently schemed out of this fragile shop if MTN (Nigeria) is to play its leading role, as his presence ever since his arrival into the department a few months ago is causing more danger than any good.

Undoubtedly, MTN has admirable laid-down policy for staff recruitment, promotion, training, relationship, disciplinary action and dismissal or resignation etc. but an outlaw like Akin Braithwaite, [who ironically happens to be a cousin to that brilliant legal luminary, Dr Tunji Braithwaite] following such procedures is too demeaning to his legendary ego!

Contrary to his lies to the Pressmen, Customer Relations Dept did not acquire any new technology, or has any plans to do any such. Could Mr.Braithwaith tell the general public the name of his pet “technology” that warranted the thoughtless disengagement of 65 core staff during Customer service week’s celebration?

It all started in September when some members of staff were wrongly promoted to the detriment of some deserving old and more experienced members who had never been promoted despite several years of service. Indeed, some of these fellows started with MTN.

This fraud, perpetrated by some managers in the Customer Relations Dept. with connivance of HR personnel, generated controversy which Braithwaite duly acknowledged and got some managers who were fingered in the promotion sham suspended. Some affected staff got impatient and wrote directly to the MTN board, an action that touched the raw nerves of Mr.Braithwaith who then immediately sent out mails promising to get rid of the likely masterminds of the said audacious mail without carrying out due investigations. Even though, he was expected to play the role of the proverbial elder in the market and objective leader who doesn’t rule by rumours and bootlicking, alas, such expectations were too much for our golden boy!

The madness of November, 18th was the outcome of his written threat.
Braithwaite reportedly said that the 65 members of staff were relieved of their appointments because of introduction of new technology, an assertion, if true, is an indictment of his capability and knowledge of his staff. Majority of those displaced staff possess second degrees in various fields, professional certificates etc.So, two managers with several supervisors under them whose appointments were terminated were also not qualified? Those professionals in the technical unit too were similarly not “technologically compliant”?

Furthermore, if Braithwaite’s revelation is correct, then the first casualty should be Akin Braithwaite himself! By training he is the most unsuitable hand in MTN because he had his degree in Theology. His man Friday, Mr Andrew Esimesie, GM, in Customer Relations unit, studied Geology. I challenge this petty man to publish the qualifications of the disengaged 65 members of staff so that the public would determine who deserves to be disengaged or who is out of sync with the demands of a technology-driven organisation like MTN.
I call on members of National assembly, NCC, NLC etc., to investigate this infraction on our labour law. MTN South Africa has announced the likely disengagement of 400 of her CONTRACT staff next year. Such notice will enable those staff to plan ahead, such process of civilized conduct is too boring and complex to Braithwaite, a spoilt brat whose baseless arrogance almost messed up ZAIN before his inglorious exit to MTN. Could this be Peter’s principle of employee growing  to level of incompetence at work in the life of Akin Braithwaite?

Organization anywhere in the world reserves the right to restructure. Affected staff are adequately compensated, not the pittance package paid to members of staff that have served a profitable organization like MTN for more than 7 years and were shabbily disengaged with less than half a million as exit package! Only in Nigeria can this be done without stiff penalty meted out to the perpetrator.

Finally, I want to encourage my affected colleagues [as most of us who are not affected are under the fear of the unknown] to contest Braithwaite’s lies in the court of law; this is a civilized society where actions that affect the well-being of others should be challenged in the court. Did Braithwaite ever consider the implications of his misguided allegation to the image and careers of the disengaged staff? Should they intend to seek for employment elsewhere, what would be the reactions of prospective employers? Well, we are accountable to the final Judge whose court can never be evaded, deceived or bribed.

I wonder what becomes of the rest of us if an organization like MTN can suddenly dismiss 65 members of staff and tell lies to the public to cover up their actions; it is very sad. Endeavour you investigate these claims here and publish your findings to the world.
Yours faithfully,
Jegede Agbede.


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