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British MP Tony Baldry involved in corruption cover up

December 28, 2009

Dear Mr Cameron: I and a lot of people in the country have been very impressed by the way you and your colleagues have been doing your best to tackle corruption within the UK political system and to make it more transparent, especially in the light of the current MPs expense scandal.

 However, I and a lot of  Nigerians living in the United Kingdom are horrified to learn that Mr Tony Baldry, the conservative MP for Banbury has been trying his best to cover up corrupt practices committed by Mr James Ibori, one of the most notorious former Governors of Delta State, in Nigeria. He has done this by writing a 5 page letter dated 24 September 2009 in which he sought to persuade the ministers of the Crown to stop prosecution of associates of Mr Ibori in the UK courts for money laundering activities. These associates are the women Mr Ibori used to launder in the UK the money he stole from the treasury of Delta State when he was the governor.  Please see the attached news links below for further details.
The actions of Mr Baldry, which is basically an attempt to protect a foreign corrupt former leader is definitely at odds with the image of the current Conservative Party. The current Conservative Party that people hear of is committed to helping fighting corruption both in the UK and in the developing countries. We all know that corruption is the main cause of poverty, suffering and instability in developing countries like Nigeria where there is an abundance of natural resources. I really hope Mr Baldry could have actually paid a visit to the Delta region of Nigeria to see the evil effects of the corrupt practices of Mr Ibori, have had on the poor and long suffering people of Delta state before he agreed to write the letter.
The prevalent corrupt system within the Nigerian political class in Nigeria has made it possible for former leaders like Mr Ibori to enrich themselves enormously by stealing from the public purse. This ill gotten wealth has also enabled them to greatly manipulate the judicial system in Nigeria to their advantage. Mr Ibori is clearly trying to pervert the UK judicial system in the same way he has recently done so in Nigeria. It is a great shame that a distinguished gentleman like Mr Baldry has allowed himself to be used as a tool in this game.
Can you please ask Mr Baldry to withdraw his letter and issue a full public apology to the people of Delta State who are the victims of Mr Ibori's financial crimes.
Thank you.
I look forward to your reply
Yours sincerely
Mr Ade Olubukola
Ps: Please read the links below


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