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Where exactly is Umaru Yar'adua

December 31, 2009

Dear Doctor: We recognize you as a very active voice in support of the enthronement of sense and justice in the management of the Nigerian society.

WE are a small group mobilizing through the Face Book Network with the sole purpose to intervene in the embarrassing developments in Nigeria concerning the whereabouts of President Yaradua.

As Nigerians we believe that if nothing is done the already ridiculous affair may develop into a more sinister security situation which may have grave implications for the peace loving citizens of Nigeria.

Our purpose therefore is to act as much as we can towards arresting the continuation of this absurdity and international embarrassment.

We are sensitive to the possibility of negative effects any mass action may have in Nigeria if misconstrued or improperly managed.

In light of this we have decided to focus our efforts purely on sensitising the Nigerian masses and the authorities to the right of Nigerians to know about the where abouts and well being of Mr. President.

To do this we intend to organise a campaign of sending a question to as many Nigerians as possible in the following format:

Where EXACTLY is President Yaradua?

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Nigerians have a right to know.

Forward this message until you receive an Answer..

The above message we will send via SMS Text and email to as many Nigerians as we can.

It is our belief that by sending this message out we might bring this question to the forefront of the National consciousness and thus make it inevitable for the government authorities to respond appropriately by providing the answer.

We are hereby requesting your support and cooperation to mobilize Nigerians to participate in this campaign.

We are simple and ordinary Nigerians but we are motivated to do something at this time to uphold our identity and integrity in the face of numerous internal and external challenges our Nation is facing.

With the support of established and distinguished Nigerians such as you we believe that the Nigerian spirit will ultimately triumph and that Nigerians as a whole would benefit from the entire exercise.

To offer your support and cooperation you can simply encourage the dissemination of the Question in the format above, or mobilize with us by joining our group on Face Book via the following address:

Thank you.

Happy New Year, our Year of Jubilee
Long Live the Federal Republic of Nigeria

SB Igwe
For: Where EXACTLY is President Yaradua?

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