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Calling on Bellview airline's stranded passengers

January 1, 2010

ActFast - the diaspora response unit of arisenigeria have been approached
by some stranded customers of Bellview airline for assistance in seeking
compensation and contrite apology for the failure of the airline to fly
them to their destination before, during and after the festive season due
to what the airline termed " aircraft fleet upgrade" on their website.

Initial contact had been made with the airline and we await their response.
In the interim, we are compiling a database of the affected customers. If
you know of anyone so affected (anywhere in the world), please ask them to
register their names and contact details @ immediately
so that they would not be left out in any future compensatory negotiations.
United we stand.
This is a free service from arisenigeria.
Thank you very much
Arisenigeria (ActFast Directorate)
Nigeria must rise again!!!
On Fri, 01 Jan 2010 06:36:50 -0600, <[email protected]> wrote:
Dear Sir/Madam,

It has come to our attention that a lot of your customers could not be
with their loved ones before, during and after the festive period due to
"aircraft fleet upgrade" been undertaken by your company as stated on
your website!

As you can imagine, the loss (financial, emotional, physical, etc) to
your customers is enormous and almost unquantifiable. In view of this, we were rather disappointed at the very cold and uncomfortable message posted on your website for the affected passengers.

As a result, ACTFAST - the diaspora response unit of arisenigeria have
been approached by a number of your customers mostly residence abroad for
advise on how to seek adequate compensation and contrite apology for the loss they have suffered in the process of doing business with you. They are keen to ensure that such must never happen to any Nigerian in future.
 Therefore, ACTFAST is requesting that you immediately commence the
process of transparently assessing the loss suffered by the affected customers and intimating us of your proposal to mitigate these losses. We have severally attempted to contact your corporate office by telephone and personal visits to no avail. We also noticed that despite the fact that your organisation do not have any arrangement in place for flying passengers to their destination, tickets were still been sold until recently!
 We expect to hear from you within the next 24 hrs failing which we shall
 seek further instructions from the affected customers without further
 recourse to you.
 Thank you very much
 Bob Olukoya Esq
 Head, ActFast Directorate
 Cell: +447551 311 338

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