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No 'Aso Tea' for Goodluck Jonathan

January 3, 2010

Dear Sir, It has been rumoured that the vice President is refusing to have any food or drink at Aso Rock.Can you blame him;? some people are wishing him dead. Looking at the circumstances surrounding the death of Abiola and Idiagbon he has every right to be cautious.

It was also rumoured that Hajia Turai, the first lady visited Aso Rock recently to clean up, you can not underestimate her influence on the Aso Rock kitchen staff. I am not saying that she is evil , but some sympathisers can do the work they are not sent.
From all indications the vice President remain loyal to Yar'Adua,as he has never been too eager to take over, and has never spoken any bad word about the sick president.However, he is right to use his brain as to whether to eat or drink.
Olalere Oluwayomi

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