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Terrorism- not in our character

January 3, 2010

By this medium, we Nigerian students, currently studying at the University of East Anglia, Norwich, United Kingdom; express our shock and dismay at the tragic event of 25th December, 2009 wich occurred on Northwest Airlines Flight 253 from Amsterdam to Detroit. Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, an engineering graduate of the University of London had attempted igniting a device with the intention of bringing down the aircraft during its final descent to Detroit Airport.

We unequivocally condemn this act of terrorism and emphatically state that such act is not Nigerian. Nigerians are God fearing and fun loving people, who will not contemplate suicide even in the face of extreme lack. We are therefore particulary miffed that one of us could embark on an act calculated to destroy himself and his neighbours.

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We completely dissociate ourselves from such wicked, barbaric and satanic act, obviously against the laws of God and man.

In spite of our sympathy for the father, who had earlier informed the relevant authorities about his son's 'extreme religious views', we call on the Nigerian government to fully investigate his source of wealth and possible connection with Yemen.
We conclusively state that this tragic event is an isolated act of an isolated Mutallab an in no way reflective of Nigerian character. 
OLASOJI FAGBOLA                                                         OLUMIDE AKINNIMI

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