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February 11, 2010

Captivity is not just a state of being bound by chains or being imprisoned
For most of us, it is a state in which our minds cannot envisage and cannot reason
Most times we are not bound by big men with mighty guns
But we are held captive by our refusal to see what is so obvious under the sun
We look around for solutions that are within us
We close our minds and imagine we are under a curse
Because we lack knowledge, we perish
We are unable to seclude ourselves from pain and anguish
As a man thinks in his heart so shall it be
Good thoughts lead to brave actions that will set him free
God created us and gave us tools
He prepared us and gave us rules
God will not do for us what we can do for ourselves
So we must stand up and claim our freedom
Because in each of us lies a great and powerful storm

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