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Open letter to “Acting president” Dr. Jonathan Goodluck over the unjust treatment of Nuhu Ribadu

February 19, 2010

Your Excellency Sir: We the undersigned concerned citizens of the Federal Republic of Nigeria in the Diaspora heartily congratulate you on your assumption of the highly esteemed position as Acting President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.  The conferment of this sacred mantle on you, which is largely viewed as a divine call and supernatural elevation, demonstrates the true will of the Nigerian citizens.  It is an open secret that power comes from God.  May God bless you and, may God bless Nigeria.

Your Excellency Sir: We the undersigned concerned citizens of the Federal Republic of Nigeria in the Diaspora heartily congratulate you on your assumption of the highly esteemed position as Acting President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.  The conferment of this sacred mantle on you, which is largely viewed as a divine call and supernatural elevation, demonstrates the true will of the Nigerian citizens.  It is an open secret that power comes from God.  May God bless you and, may God bless Nigeria.
Your Excellency Sir, we earnestly wish to seize this opportunity to draw your attention to the hitherto unjust humiliation, harassment and allegations against Mallam Nuhu Rubadu, the former chairman of Economic and Financial Crime Commission (EFCC).  We have watched, with keen interest and utter dismay, the various court proceedings and pronouncements including the outstanding arrest warrant against Mallam Nuhu Ribadu.  Your Excellency Sir, permit us to refresh your memory with the accomplishments and significant milestones made by Mallam Nuhu Ribadu during his tenure as the chairman of the EFCC.

This man successfully, and with speed, etched his name on the marble stone of our national and global history upon his assumption of office as the EFCC chairman.  In a nut-shell, he amazingly prosecuted about 270 top-notch political juggernauts ranging from ministers and governors to federal legislators as well as top-ranking bank executives not excluding his own boss - the then Inspector-General of police himself.  In fact, it would be fair to say that Mallam Ribadu put everything at his disposal on the line for the sole purpose of making Nigeria a country that her citizens and even the unborn generation would be justifiably proud of.

It is ironic and, in fact, truly disheartening to watch a clique of fellow Nigerians choose the path of dishonor by continually trying to rubbish the great accomplishments of Mallam Ribadu with an alarming degree of malignity and sense of impunity.  The depth of malicious witch-hunting and smear campaign overtly demonstrated by the former Attorney General of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, Michael Aondoakaa, and his cronies simply makes mockery of the whole anti corruption campaign.  As a matter of fact, this act sincerely gives a very wrong signal to the watching civilized world and, it would go down to present serious discouragement to other reasonable, virtuous and patriotic Nigerians who would probably be called upon to work in such sensitive positions in the future.  This would be a dangerous precedent as it would make future Nigerian patriotic leaders to render their services to our great nation with reservation based upon the fact that at the end of the day they would end up being humiliated like Mallam Ribadu. 

We are by no means asking your Excellency for any kind of special favor on behalf of Mallam Ribadu.  We are rather advocating for the prevalence of true justice and that the full citizenship right of Mallam Ribadu as a free-born Nigerian citizen should be dully restored to him in strict accordance with moral law and the Nigerian constitution.  We, therefore, humbly request that you use your good office, as the Acting President of our great country, Nigeria, to meticulously look into this matter and call upon the agencies concerned to expedite the process for quick resolution of the case as required by the due process of law.  Thank you for your cooperation in this important matter.  Again, may God bless you and, may God bless Nigeria.


Dr. Charles Lion Agwumezie

Dr. Terry M. Bagia

Dr. Charles Lion Agwumezie     Dr. Terry M. Bagia
Attorney at Law                                                        Author and Legal Scholar

(1)    The Attorney General of the Federal Republic of Nigeria – Mr.
      Adetokunbo Kayode (SAN)

    (2) The Senate President – Hon. David Mark

    (3) The Speaker of the House of Representatives –Hon. Dimeji

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