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Yar'Adua back on Nigerian soil, journalists barred from covering his secretive arrival

February 23, 2010
Two airplanes have arrived at the Presidential Wing of the Nnamdi Azikiwe Airport in Abuja 10 minutes apart; the first one landing  at exactly 1:46 a.m. local time.  It is believed that the sick Nigerian "leader," Umaru Yar'Adua, was on board the first, presumably an Air Ambulance.  Saharareporters broke the story of Yar'Adua's possible return to the country a few hours ago.
In a surreal manoeuvre, that first aircraft switched off all its lights after landing and disappeared into a secluded area of the airport.  The ground ambulance also switched off its lights as it slipped into the same corner as the first aircraft. Sources at the airport said they suspected Yar'Adua was secretly evacuated into the Ground Ambulance from the Air Ambulance. It is also believed that the first plane is an air ambulance, and the second the Presidential jet that conveyed Yar'Adua to Jeddah in Saudi Arabia. A convoy of cars with the ground Ambualnce left the Airport at 2:45 Am exactly one hour after the two aircrafts arrived Abuja.

There was no airport ceremony and the horde of journalists that thronged the airport was prevented from coming near the Presidential wing. An Ambulance propositioned at the Airport approached one of the aircraft and zoomed off after a while.

Two battalions of the Nigerian Army were deployed in Abuja without the knowledge of the **Acting President, Goodluck Jonathan. Visitors to Jonathan who were leaving the Presidential Villa were searched and mocked by soldiers that had been freshly deployed to the premises.

Saharareporters sources said members of Yar'Adua's kitchen cabinet members have told Jonathan not to sit on the President's seat at the Federal Executive Council meeting tomorrow, but that could not immediately been confirmed.

The cabinet delegation to Saudi Arabian which failed to see Yar'Adua in that country is expected back in Nigeria tomorrow.

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