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No to Military Intervention; No to ‘Illegal’ Exercise of Presidential Power

February 24, 2010
The Good Governance Group (3G) feels compelled to sound a note of warning on the gathering threat to democracy and stability in Nigeria. We are worried that the political class, especially those in the Executive and the National Assembly and the ruling PDP, have failed to rise up to the most basic statesmanship required to steer the country away from constitutional crisis. They are gradually nudging the country towards breakdown of security.

As a group committed to good governance and democratic accountability we are worried at the worsening security situation in the country on account of the determination of a few persons, the so-called kitchen cabinet, to neglect the constitutionally established line of succession and hold political power, contrary to Section 1 of the Constitution. The manner in which they brought President Yaradua in the country without proper clearance with the Acting President, who, as at today, is the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces; and the various reported acts of intimidation against him in the Villa, pose serious threat to stability and national unity. These acts of dare-devilry and recklessness are open affront to the sovereignty of the Nigerian people and the integrity of the Nigerian state. This is unacceptable.

Our fears of possible breach of security in the Nigeria are raised by reported movement of troops from Kaduna to Abuja. Even the statement credited to the Chief of Army Staff, Lt. Gen. Dambassa Btsau that he answers only to the Commander-In-Chief who is President Yaradua if true show a dangerous disregard for the Constitution. We want to warn members of the Kitchen Cabinet and their military and political loyalists that the Good Governance Groups, working together with other civil society and pro-democracy groups, will mobilize Nigerians to stop any form of military intervention in the politics of Nigeria. Nigerian people will not accept any military solution to a crisis contrived by those who do not want to lose power because they are afraid of being made to account for their misdeeds. We will continue to mobilize Nigerians to insist on respect for the constitution, especially Section 1 of the Constitution.

This crisis is needless. The Constitution has provided clear guidance on presidential succession. When the President cannot act the Vice President takes over. Those resisting the Acting President from exercising the powers of a Commander-in-Chief are instigating breakdown of security. Those who are impeding the effective exercise of executive power by the Acting President are violating the constitution and will be made to answer to their treasonable acts. On his part, the Acting President Goodluck Jonathan will be held responsible if his failure to exercise leadership as Commander-in-Chief plunges Nigeria into military coup.

For the avoidance of doubt, let us state clearly that Nigerians will never accept any military intervention on this crisis. Nigerians will no longer accept the attempt by persons not designated by the Constitution to exercise executive illegally in the guise of the sick and indisposed President Yaradua. We will defend our constitution because only persons elected by the people will exercise political power not the wife or political associates of an indisposed President.
On this we Stand: no to military coup.
Salihu Lukman

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