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Is it me? or did Abdulrahman Danbazzau just defy the presidency?

February 25, 2010
Please don’t let’s sugar coat this one. President in waiting, acting, temporary, substitute, interim whatever you want to coat him with is asleep in Aso Rock lite, hundreds of soldiers are deployed without his knowledge; he is unable to see his temporary incapacitated, feeble, impaired, powerless, inproficient patriarch the next day.

Ahem!  Has Jonathan just lost the presidency?

Ok, I’m still trying to rationalize this. The commander in Chief just got usurped by the Chief of Army Staff?  This is beyond Ordinary
I thought the Chief of Army staff was a few Offices removed from the Presidency!

That would be like Solly Zacharia Shoke running military maneuvers near Johannesburg while Kgalema Mothlathe was acting president. Then Shoke says he only takes orders from Zuma, knowing Zuma was incapacitated, doing so because like Zuma, they are both Zulu (Shoke is from Alexandra).

Shoke still gets to keep his job?

Like David Richards not sending subliminals but overt messages that Gordon Brown was unimportant

Tantawi telling Mubarak to take a hike!
Wow! This just can’t be. These macabre comedy gets a little more interesting here on out.

Did Tebogo Masire just tell Ian Khama he forgot to tell him he will be using the military for an important engagement? Worse still didn’t send a memo?

Ian Khama ignores it and pretends he is still a leader who can’t control the military.

The military, a subordinate institution?

Tebogo still gets to keep his job?  The Bamamgwato have pride, I know that.
Most importantly the Bamangwato have guts.

These just can’t be, I’m waiting to wake up, and then get back to reality or sacks or resignations, Some pride somewhere, somebody please!!


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