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Break up is imminent - NDPVF/PSF

February 26, 2010
The Niger Delta People Volunteers Force cum the Peoples Salvation Front (NDPVF/PSF) have in the last six months refrained from issuing Press statements and releases after our leader Alhaji Mujahid Dokubo Asari left the Nigerian State Territorial boundaries on Self imposed exile due to repeated attempts by the Nigerian State to have him murdered.

We have also watched with stoic silence   believing that silence was golden unfolding events in the Nigerian state and did refuse to join issues with pseudo Niger Delta revolutionaries who indeed are reactionaries and mercenaries hired by the Nigerian state to support the grandiose deception called amnesty program which we were opposed and still opposed to.

After repeated calls and warnings by our Peoples Movement that the Nigerian contraption was a failed state that was being galvanized by horrible and terrible monsters and dragons whose Amnesty program in the Niger- Delta was a hogwash, faux pas and hocus pocus to hoodwink Niger Deltas into believing that the Nigerian state means well for the development and empowerment of our region and people.

Today it is very evident that our movement has been totally vindicated as our brothers who were gullible in accepting the subterfuge of Amnesty now knows better that the Nigerian State cannot and should never be trusted.
Truly, the Nigerian state is so classless, rudderless and directionless and her leadership a colossal embarrassment, shame and disgrace to the African continent and to all those who ever believed in the Nigeria contraception.
That a so called State which prides itself as the Most important Black state could be without a president for over three months with her governmental organs such as the executive and legislature being so hapless and helpless as their military government concocted constitution exposed to a breaking point is so gargatuanly bizarre.

The continued imbroglio over Section 144 and 145 of the Nigerian state 1999 constitution, the overwhelming evidenced incapacitation of Alhaji Umaru Musa Yar’ Adua, the rumored commando return of Alhaji Umaru Musa Yar’ Adua and the secrecy of it even from the acting president of the Nigerian state Chief Dr. Jonathan Ebele Goodluck, his prevention from seeing the Sick man, the siege and Kidnapping of Alhaji Umaru Musa Yar ‘Adua by a Cabal led by the vixenic and Jezebelian Hajia Turai Yar ‘Adua and most especially the continued undermining of the peoples will in the territorial boundary called Nigeria  from having a responsive government is too cold for comfort and has made Nigeria a laughing stock to the World.

Today, without fear of contradiction Nigeria is at the verge of experiencing another military coup and as the unending political and constitutional quagmire and melee deepens with Hajia Turai Yar adua and Lt. Gen Abdurahman BelloDambazau dictating the marshal tones.

We wish to state that the this show of ignominy has further strengthened our held belief and conviction that the Nigeria state cannot be trusted nor depended on to solve the Niger Delta crisis.

We therefore wish to announce that with immediate effect that failure by the Nigerian State to convocation a Sovereign National Conference of Ethnic Nationalities to determine the future of Nigeria the Nigerian state should be ready for the emergence of the long overdue Niger Delta Republic.
The declaration of the Niger Delta Republic as it stands now is inevitable and irrevocable we therefore a call on all Sons and daughters of the Niger Delta to gear up for this revolution. THE DIE IS CAST.

 We also warn Most vehemently that should anything happen to the Son of the Niger Delta Chief Dr. Jonathan Ebele Goodluck over the foxy power play by those who think that all and sundry within the Nigerian State should continually be their slave then the Prophesy of the American Government on Nigeria will come to pass faster than imagined.
For a Break up is imminent

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