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“Jonathan meets UMYA”, shocked Yar’Adua can’t talk or move

February 28, 2010
Nigeria’s gravely sick ruler, Umaru Yar’Adua, can barely move or communicate, according to new revelations about his grim medical condition given to Saharareporters. Mr. Yar’Adua was smuggled back to Nigeria on Wednesday morning under cover of darkness, a move described by a diplomatic source as a desperate gamble by his wife and her cabal to hold on to power.
The latest findings buttress exclusive reports by Saharareporters as far as two years ago that Churg Strauss Syndrome, a debilitating auto–immune disease, was ravaging Yar’Adua. The syndrome has been complicated recently by Yar’Adua’s lung cancer, according to our sources.

There are signs that the game may be drawing to a close for Yar’Adua’s greedy and ambitious wife, Hajia Turai, as service chiefs in the Nigerian Armed Forces requested that “Acting President” Goodluck Jonathan be allowed to see Yar’Adua. A source knowledgeable about the happenings in the Presidential Villa, where Yar’adua is holed up, told Saharareporters that Goodluck Jonathan has finally seen Yar’adua in the company of the National Security Adviser (NSA), Sarki Mukthar. Our source said the two men were shocked to behold Yar’Adua’s wasted Yar’Adua body and dire condition. He was not only barely conscious but incapable of conversation or movement.

A different report emerged tonight denying that Jonathan has physically sighted Yar’Adua. But our presidency source asserted that Jonathan did make the "top secret" visit to Yar’Adua. The source added that Jonathan was so affected by Yar’Adua’s condition that the acting president showed symptoms of a fainting spell. He was reportedly “stabilized’ by Saudi doctors attending to Yar’Adua
On Saturday, according to our sources, Turai engaged in another gimmick by informing the aviation assistants at the presidency that she would want to take her husband out again to a foreign hospital for further medical treatment. She was politely turned down when the authorities insisted they would have to see Yar’adua first or receive his resignation letter before any application for use of the presidential jet can be considered.
However, Turai and the remainder of the kitchen cabinet have decided on an extensive manipulation of the public and the Jonathan-led federal executive. In addition to strenuous efforts to prevent any form of visitation to Yar’Adua, the cabal has embarked on a well-oiled campaign in the northern parts of the country to portray Jonathan as an anti-North president who has diverted funds meant to develop the North to his region, the Niger Delta region. As expected, that campaign is catching fire in certain parts of the north. The group has also decided to use the Nigerian media to tie Jonathan to former President Olusegun Obasanjo whose hypocrisy and corruption have earned him widespread unpopularity. Obasanjo was the one who imposed a sickly Yar’Adua as “president”. 
Turai Yar’Adua and her group – including former Attorney General Michael Aondoakaa, former Governor James Ibori, economic adviser Tanimu Kurfi, and Agriculture Minister Sayyad Abba Ruma – hope their anti-Jonathan campaign would provoke an uprising in the north and a move by the Nigerian military to truncate Jonathan’s shot at the presidency for the remainder of Yar’Adua’s tenure, which ends in May 2011.
But sources close to Turai describe her as “desperate and scared in the face of national and international resistance to her sinister plans to maintain a hold on power in the name of her incapacitated husband.”

The sources said Turai has already been told that she has to let a broader team of senior officials, including the service chiefs, to see Yar’Adua in whatever form or shape he might be by Tuesday, or face the impending consequences of having him declared incapacitated by the Federal Executive Council.
British and American diplomats are known to be piling pressure on Yar’Adua’s associates and cronies by threatening to impose sanctions should they refuse to let him resign from office.  America and the United Kingdom have made a series of statements suggesting Yar’Adua’s fragile health condition will prevent him from returning to office, and by speaking anonymously to the international media.
Even today, Jonathan received a letter personally signed by the UK Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, asking him to stand firm.

In an interesting development, a source told Saharareporters today that Turai has admitted that Yar’Adua cannot talk yet, but that he may be able to talk by Tuesday. 

That being the eve of the next FEC meeting, analysts say that may be the beginning of another strategy aimed at another BBC-style interview, in which a voice is heard which claims to belong to Yar’Adua.  This week’s FEC meeting is expected to be of great importance because last week’s was aborted by Yar’Adua’s return. 

Saharareporters has been told that there are now enough votes in the council to declare Yar’Adua incapacitated. But a set of ministers, who maintain some loyalty to Turai, are reportedly working on a plan to persuade Yar’Adua’s wife to agree to his resignation instead of facing the humiliation of a declaration that he is incapacitated.

Our sources said Turai, who is highly superstitious, spends hours each day consulting with highly paid marabouts who continue to assure her that her husband would recover.

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