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EU statement on Nigeria

February 28, 2010
The spokesperson of Catherine Ashton, High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice President of the Commission, issued the following statement today:

"The European Union welcomes news of the return of President Yar'Adua to Abuja. The EU extends its best wishes to the President and his family and continues to hope that he will make a good and complete recovery from his illness.

The EU acknowledges the challenge posed by uncertainty in the political process in Nigeria at the present time, and commends the will of the democratic institutions of Nigeria to remain faithful to the principles of democracy, responsible governance and the rule of law.

In this perspective the EU encourages the efforts of Acting President Goodluck Jonathan and the Government of Nigeria to foster stability in the country and sub-region. The EU also underlines itssupport for the Government of Nigeria's resolve to ensure the continuity of democracy and to tackle the many challenges facing the nation."

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