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Team Yar’Adua ready with new “joker,” one member says

March 1, 2010

Buoyant and confident again, close associates of Nigeria’s sickly leader, Umaru Yar’Adua, may be ready to spring a new “surprise” on Nigeria and the international community, a source within the infamous group has told Saharareporters.  Yar’Adua, they will now claim, after 96 days of hospitalization on two continents in which few have heard his voice and fewer still seen his face, is recovering” quickly.

Buoyant and confident again, close associates of Nigeria’s sickly leader, Umaru Yar’Adua, may be ready to spring a new “surprise” on Nigeria and the international community, a source within the infamous group has told Saharareporters.  Yar’Adua, they will now claim, after 96 days of hospitalization on two continents in which few have heard his voice and fewer still seen his face, is recovering” quickly.
Members of the team, led by Yar’Adua’s wife, are said to be reflecting this new confidence by recruiting and interviewing politicians whom they claim, would be appointed ministers as soon as what they describe as a “counter–coup” against Goodluck Jonathan, the Acting President, materializes.
The group, which seems to be particularly active a day or two before the Wednesday meetings of the Federal Executive Council (FEC), claim they are going to take a series of actions in the next few days that would show to Nigerians that Yar’Adua is “still in power” and can fully recover and continue as president.  Asked for specificity, the source would only reiterate the company line that Nigeria would be surprised in the next few days.
Prior to the tumultuous events of last Tuesday, when Yar’Adua was smuggled home in the middle of the night, hours before that week’s meeting of the FEC, Saharareporters had quoted Turai Yar’Adua as claiming that she would bring her husband home in 10 days. But she did so six days earlier than that, as suddenly it was announced that the ailing Yar’Adua was airborne. 

But although the propaganda from Saudi Arabia had had it that Yar’Adua was in such good shape he was putting in 25 minutes of exercise per day, he only arrived in Abuja early in an air ambulance, and was taken to the Presidential villa, where he has since been holed up, in a regular ambulance.
Indications that Team Yar’Adua has embarked on series of strategies aimed at retaking control of power emerged today when Daily Trust, an Abuja–based newspaper, published a story portraying Yar’Adua as recuperating.  Even though they admitted in the report that he cannot be heard when he “speaks” they presented a generally sunny picture of a “recuperating” Yar’Adua surrounded by grandchildren, nieces and nephews.
Saharareporters revealed last night that Turai had leaked doctored medical reports to close associates and some members of the political family that is doubtful about Yar’Adua’s ability to return to office.   The report paints a rosy picture of a Yar’Adua said to be recovering from “Episodic Chest infections”.
The team has now focused on the Minister of Information, Dora Akunyili, whose campaign and TV appearances, they claim, has helped to steer “public sympathy” in their direction as her constant and repeated reference to a “cabal surrounding Yar’Adua” has made many other ministers whose votes are needed for Yar’Adua to be declared incapacitated under Section 144 of the constitution to change their minds. The source also said Jonathan is now considering calling off all attempts to declare Yar’Adua incapacitated at the FEC meeting tomorrow.
The source also said that the Yar’Adua team has received the biggest boost from Jonathan’s weaknesses, as he seems to be short of confidence. He cited the information that Jonathan was going to offload some of the cabinet ministers today, an issue on which he changed his mind again.

But Jonathan aides said their boss is still consulting widely. One of Jonathan’s advisers who spoke to Saharareporters anonymously said that Yar’Adua associates always come up with a “sick joker” anytime a big decision is about to be taken over his episodic presidency.

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