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The evil gang and what is in a name

March 4, 2010

Once upon a time; time, time, time. Before I tell my story, here is the result of the last quiz:


  • Yar -  (Y)ou (A)re  (R)eckless = Yar
  • Yar ‘ Adua – (Y)ou  (A)re  (R)eckless ,  (A)bsolutely  (D)ubious ,  (U)ngodly  (A)ngel = Yar’ Adua
  • Turai – (T)roublesome,  (U)ngodly,  (R)eckless,  (A)nd  (I)nsensitive = Turai

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Here now is my story: The EVIL GENIUS of Minna and the EVIL ONE of Ota conspired to destroy their country by imposing an “Angel” named Yar’ Adua to rule. Their countrymen kept quiet and allowed them to have their way.   Then came a woman called Turai Yar’Adua who wrecked her husband and the country of the evil gang. The lesson of my story for now is that not all angels are godly and countrymen must be vigilant of evil gangs. Countrymen must learn to check out names of persons before they are installed to rule. My story will continue another day. Once upon a time; time, time, time. The quiz for next time: Please check the dictionary meanings of the words  used in  the names analysis above and their bearing to what is happening presently in the country of the evil gang.

By Ken Mani,


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