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Nuhu Ribadu to speak at Columbia university’s African Economic Forum

March 4, 2010
Image removed.Former Executive Chairman of Nigeria’s Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, currently Visiting Fellow at the Center for Global Development, Nuhu Ribadu, will join experts in the Greasing the Wheel: Law, Corruption and the Economy panel to discuss the role of law and legal institutions in combating corruption in Africa. The event is part of Columbia University’s 7th Annual African Economic Forum, which takes place on March 26th - 27th, 2010.
The African Economic Forum has grown to be the largest Africa-focused event at Columbia University, and seeks to highlight opportunities and challenges through stimulating discussion, insights and strategies for a prosperous Africa. This year’s forum will feature panels discussing regional tourism, law and economic development, fashion, South-South trade, infrastructure development, media as well as a Niger Delta investment summit.
To purchase tickets/attend the conference, visit

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