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Nigerian democracy as secret society

March 5, 2010

Abraham Lincoln in his immortal Gettysburg address may have defined democracy as “government of the people, by the people and for the people”, but anybody with eyes on either side of the nose of course knows that the late great president of the United States did not have the Nigerian brand of democracy in mind when he formulated that definition.

Abraham Lincoln in his immortal Gettysburg address may have defined democracy as “government of the people, by the people and for the people”, but anybody with eyes on either side of the nose of course knows that the late great president of the United States did not have the Nigerian brand of democracy in mind when he formulated that definition.
What passes for democracy in Nigeria has nothing at all to do with people. It is quite simply government of ghosts, by ghosts, and for ghosts. A situation where 150 million Nigerians cannot set eyes on their so-called president for 100 days and counting sums up the vast ghost town that the land has been turned into via the grossly abused name of democracy. A secret society is what democratic practice in Nigeria has been turned into.

The ruling Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) is quite adept at using the word “people” to deceive people. But some Nigerians are effectively wising up to the fact. For instance, in the recent re-run gubernatorial election in the rebel state of Anambra, when the PDP cried “Power to the people!” the real people ran away to Peter Obi’s All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA) leaving only ghosts to vote for the PDP! Not even Professor Maurice Iwu’s Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) could account for the fingerprints of the secret ghosts that massively voted for the PDP in that election!

 Professor Chukwuma Charles Soludo, the PDP candidate in the election, in the mold of Amos Tutuola’s My Life in the Bush of Ghosts found it hard to understand that his teeming ghost supporters could not make their votes count. Lost in ghost land, Soludo summarily conceded defeat only to suddenly wake up in a ghost-ridden nightmare to do a recant by insisting the votes of the ghosts of the PDP must now count! In the PDP, a secret society masquerading as a political party, a first-class professor of economics can in fast seconds be turned into a bumbling scarecrow!

 It is in the character of this spooky practice of democracy that Nigeria now boasts of two half-presidents. In the abracadabra sense of “the more you look the less you see” there is the invisible president that nobody sees and the acting president who as his title implies merely acts, an ordinary actor just like that funny man Mr. Ibu of Nollywood! Not even the best writers of magical realism or science fiction can configure the phenomenon of Nigeria’s two half-presidents.

According to some of the strategic sources who claim to have breached the ramparts of the secret society surrounding our secret but substantive president, there are some invisible powers who manipulate what remains of the man in his sickbay only for the emitted preternatural forces to take hold of the acting president toward the heedless shepherding of 150 million souls who voted for democracy. Not even the great science fiction master, Isaac Asimov, could have imagined this reality. All Nigerians have since been transported into a kind of “Alice in Wonderland” fantasy beyond their understanding because of the benumbing goings-on in their dear country.

It is against this phantasmagoric background that a body that calls itself the Isekiri, Urhobo and Isoko Democratic Union issued a release that runs thus: “The chaotic melodramatic farce enacted at the Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport, Abuja, by military personnel on Wednesday, during the reurn of our ailing President Umaru Musa Yar’Adua from his 90-day absence without leave (AWOL) can best be described as a dance macabre. That a whole President sneaked into his own country in an ambulance and was hurriedly transferred into another ambulance and taken straight to Aso Rock, without informing the Acting President, speaks volumes about the relentless nefarious activities of the infamous cabal that has held the nation to ransom since the President took ill and was flown to Saudi Arabia. The open and naked show of brute force exhibited by military personnel, who chased and horse-whipped innocent Nigerians from the vicinity is another testament that our nascent democracy is being held captive by a tiny but powerful cabal.”    

 As is the case in the mafia, Acting President Goodluck Jonathan has just been remotely controlled to administer the oath of secrecy, aka Omerta, on his ministers. It is now a democracy of speechlessness, just like in any other secret cult. Minister of Information and Communication Professor Dora Akunyili who had been quite communicating on the incommunicado of the sitting president that necessitated the “acting” president caper has thus been silenced, much to the applause of the cabal on the jugular of Nigeria. The feudal juggernauts claiming to represent the North are not entirely pacified as they are insisting that the Nigerian cosmos must come apart if poor Dora does not resign her post and apologize to the feudal lords. Shout “Up North!” ye brethren!  Dora who defers to the Blessed Sacrament as a Catholic in doing her beat will soon understand that nothing is sacred or blessed in the cultic inferno of the PDP, the quintessential secret society. It all amounts to a family affair of “man-eat-man-or-woman!” As it is written in the Bible and put to song, “How can we sing the Lord’s song in a strange land?”

The PDP is to all intents and purposes a strange land to personages like Dora and Jonathan. They have been told in no uncertain terms that they do not belong. What with the coffle of the PDP telling Jonathan to his face that he should not dream of contesting the 2011 presidential election! The hoary witches and wizards of the coven of the PDP have spoken!

This nonsense has lasted for far too long. If there were to be a proper national election in Nigeria I daresay that the PDP can only place a poor third as happened in Anambra State. It is only the secret society code that the goons of the PDP are using to hoodwink Nigerians with their idle talk of “the largest party in Africa”. With the current situation of two half-presidents superintending over the affairs of the hapless nation, the time is nigh to strike at the very portals of their secrecy and open up the Nigerian society for good. The initiative of marching on Aso Rock as enunciated by the Save Nigeria Group (SNG) is a great first step. Let’s all join the crusade.  

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