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Breaking News: The Guardian hero, Stanley Macebuh, is dead

March 6, 2010

Stanley Macebuh, the Columbia-educated philosopher renowned for revamping journalism in Nigeria when he midwifed the birth of The Guardian in 1983, is dead.

Image removed.Stanley Macebuh, the Columbia-educated philosopher renowned for revamping journalism in Nigeria when he midwifed the birth of The Guardian in 1983, is dead.
Dr. Macebuh later controversially joined the Olusegun Obasanjo administration as Senior Special Assistant on Public Communications, a position for which he was hired twice, and fired twice.  But it was at The Guardian, where he assembled some of the nation's best brains, many of them from outside journalism, to found what was called the "flagship of the Nigerian press," that he did his best work.

A source in Lagos said he died this morning.  It is not clear if he had been in bad health.

Details to come.

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