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Try Turai For Kidnapping Yar’Adua —Soyinka-PM News, Lagos

March 7, 2010

{joomplu:1563}{joomplu:1562}{joomplu:1565}Nobel laureate, Professor Wole Soyinka, has called for criminal proceedings against Turai Yar’Adua for kidnapping and abusing the ailing President. Soyinka spoke this morning at the International Women’s Day March, organised by Women Arise, a Non-Government Organisation (NGO) coordinated by the National President, Campaign for Democracy, Dr. Joe Okei-Odumakin.

{joomplu:1563}{joomplu:1562}{joomplu:1565}Nobel laureate, Professor Wole Soyinka, has called for criminal proceedings against Turai Yar’Adua for kidnapping and abusing the ailing President. Soyinka spoke this morning at the International Women’s Day March, organised by Women Arise, a Non-Government Organisation (NGO) coordinated by the National President, Campaign for Democracy, Dr. Joe Okei-Odumakin.
The Nobel laureate said: “From the banners I see you carrying here, some of you will realise that there is spousal abuse. This spousal abuse is not one way, not just men to women, but women to men.

“We have an example with the president of this nation, who is being abused physically by a woman. He has been kidnapped by a woman (Turai) under false imprisonment.

“If it were in a civilized society, this woman should be in court by now for kidnapping and false imprisonment,” he stated.

According to Soyinka, “worse than abusing her spouse, Turai is also abusing a nation; abusing and insulting the intelligence of a nation.

“Release this man so that he can speak to the nation about his condition, release him, stop insulting and belittling his family. Even his mother was not allowed to see him.

“For me, this act is sacrilege, acute sacrilege and I think we should begin criminal proceedings against Turai for kidnapping and false imprisonment of her husband,” he said.
On the Jos crisis, Soyinka said the Federal Government and security agents should be held responsible for not being vigilant enough to nip the crisis in the bud.

He lamented that the presidency and the security agents went to sleep while some unscrupulous elements maimed and killed innocent victims.

Soyinka added that instead of pro-active measures to have been put in place to curb the crisis once and for all, the nation’s legislature was busy exchanging Ghana-must-go bags.

He urged the women to protest against this unwarranted crisis as women and children were the most affected. He said they should also agitate for a good electoral system.

Convener of the rally, Okei-Odumakin, said Turai had indeed defamed women by her unbecoming act.

“As a woman, she is supposed to be the mother of the nation. She should let Nigerians know the state of health of the President.

“It is sad and pathetic that she should act this way. A woman is supposed to stand for truth, justice and others,” she stated.

At the rally, Okei-Odumakin said it was sad to know that there were still lots of abuses and discrimination against women in Nigeria, ranging from poor working conditions, battering and genital mutilation among others.

“Our march today is part of our collective efforts as women to demand our rights and to also call for the abolition of all forms of discrimination and violence against women.

“We demand the implementation of national policy on women, abolish all cultural practices that offend the civil liberties of women, pay maternity leave, encourage women to participate in politics and provide better work conditions for women, just like their male counterparts,” she said.

Founder, Latter Rain Assembly, Pastor Tunde Bakare, said something must be done urgently to salvage the nation from criminals in Aso Rock.

“We may be few, but we are in the majority. It is only a matter of time. We behave like monkeys, when they dangle banana before us not knowing that the whole banana plantation belongs to us.

“All forms of abuse of women or men must stop. Women are the hands that rock the cradle. Our march should be for electoral reform,” he stated.

According to Professor Pat Utomi, the nation is not working because of lack of accountability.

He added  that “the future of our children is being taken away by those who think of themselves only.”



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