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Kano University of Science and technology (KUST), Wudil: ASUU Strike, New VC, etc, the real issues

March 13, 2010
Over the last few months, there were some press releases and radio interviews by the KUST Wudil chapter of the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU). In their various press releases and interviews, they tried to explain why they embarked on an indefinite strike action on Monday 9th November 2009 which lasted barely one week, even at a time when the ASUU national body had called off its nationwide strike.
There is a cabal among the exco of the ASUU KUST branch who were hell bent on destroying the good image of the then acting Vice chancellor for their selfish reasons.
The cabal explained that they were on strike to demand for the exit of the Acting Vice Chancellor, who according to them had refused to vacate office to allow the new Vice chancellor to assume office. There is nothing further from the truth than this calculated attempt to deceive and misinform the public. This is shameful and irresponsible.
The real issues are:

    •    Since he assumed office, the former acting Vice chancellor had refused to dance to the tune of the cabal. They were used to receiving fat deals from Vice chancellors for themselves, their relatives and parents. This was especially prominent during the repressive and brutal regime of the former Vice Chancellor Professor Ibrahim Shehu Diso who led the University to distress and uneasy tension. He gave the ASUU unionist cabal what they wanted and had a field day destroying the system. That was why he committed a lot of atrocities against the system and got away with it. To the cabal, the system is secondary and their personal interest primary.

    •    It has been gathered that some of the members of the cabal are power thirsty and they wanted to be appointed to some responsible positions with lower qualifications. The acting Vice Chancellor appointed more qualified candidates instead, in the interest of the system, but earned the blazing anger of the cabal and they decided to use the platform of the Union to drag his name in the mud as revenge.

    •    It has also been gathered that some members of the conspiring cabal have spent more than eight years studying for their master’s degree, yet they have not got it. As such, they feel very insecure, and hence the desperate search for a big brother protection. That is why they had to think of a way of showing the new Vice Chancellor that they are with him even at a cost to the system. In other Universities that care about standards, such uncommitted lecturers are usually converted to non academic staff or are laid off, but in Kano University of Science and Technology these educated illiterates are the ASUU leaders, who determine the fate of the University. This is most unfortunate for a baby University like KUST.

    •     They know very well that they did not vote for the New Vice Chancellor Professor Ibrahim Garba Riruwai during the election process. They voted for Professor Kabiru Ahmed from B.U.K. who was not able to scale through the final stage at the council level. The cabal were unhappy at the failure of their candidate, who is by nature a quiet, soft-spoken gentleman, and who they thought would easily dance to their tune. They accused the acting Vice Chancellor of conniving with the Pro-chancellor and the external council members to stop Kabiru and make way for Professor Ibrahim Garba.

The cabal then decided to device another tactic of crying wolf where there was none in their desperate effort to endear themselves to the new Vice Chancellor Professor Ibrahim Garba Riruwai.

 At a very peaceful time when the acting Vice chancellor, the newly elected Vice Chancellor and the Pro-chancellor had met and decided the day the new Vice Chancellor would assume office and only a week to the stipulated date of arrival of the new Vice Chancellor, the KUST ASUU cabal decided to go on strike to demand for the exit of the acting Vice Chancellor, fraudulently claiming that he refused to vacate office to allow the new Vice chancellor to go in. What a twisted logic! Commonsense cannot understand why they had to declare strike action to demand for the acting Vice Chancellor to vacate office, while they were fully aware of the fact that the new Vice Chancellor  would be coming in a week’s  time from then(on 16th November 2009). It was obvious that they were not doing it for the system but to settle scores. What a shame! This is an abuse of the ASUU platform and an insult to our collective intelligence. It is also a taint on a serious body like ASUU.

 The thought of the plight of students who were about to start their exams at that time did not cross their minds as they were going for that unnecessary strike action, which only succeeded in denting the good image of the University and ASUU as a body.

The Unionist cabal of ASUU KUST who conspire and plot secret plots of conspiracy against innocent people are notorious for image distortion, lies, blackmail, defamation and character assassination, very unlike University lecturers, who are otherwise known for their high sense of decorum, fairness and sound judgement. They cowardly hid under the guise of championing the cause of the new Vice Chancellor (Who they did not vote for) to carry out their sinister plans against the acting Vice chancellor. They didn’t stop there, they also black listed all those who worked with the then acting Vice chancellor for persecution, blackmail and vendetta, thereby denying the University the services of honest and hardworking people. Where then is democracy and academic freedom in KUST? It is not news that of all the units of the University, the registry is the main problem, it is the main bane of KUST’s development but because of the protection that some of them need from the registry, they can’t even dare to complain ( How can they?!). By their action, they have put themselves to shame, they have put the University to shame, they have put Kano State to shame and above all they have put ASUU to shame. The ASUU national body has a duty to call them to order so as to avoid further misuse of the Union to witch-hunt innocent people.
Lest we forget: Annamimi ba zai shiga aljanna ba, sai idan ya tuba, Allah Gafurun Raheem.

Shehu Garba Suleman, Kano, Kano state Nigeria.
                                                   [email protected] CC: Executive Governor Kano state, Dr. Mallam Ibrahim Shekarau    ,
                Commissioner, Ministry for higher Education, Kano state.
                Secretary to the state Government.
                Pro-chancellor KUST
                Vice Chancellor KUST
                ASUU national Chairman

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