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Fraudulent Award of Contracts by NDDC in Rivers State

March 16, 2010
Dear Rt. Hon. Chibuike Amaechi: We write to voice our displeasure with the recent award of contracts by the Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC) in Rivers State.

Specifically, we wish to condemn in very strong terms, the award of the Bonny Ring Road & Bridges Project in Rivers State to a company that has nothing to do with engineering and construction, Jafac Motors/Jafac Invetsments Ltd for the whopping sum of Eleven billion, two hundred and four million, one hundred and sixty eight thousand, twenty naira and ten kobo (N 11, 204, 168, 023.00).

This award, coming on the heels on the appointment of a Rivers man, Chibuzor Ugwoha as Managing Director of the NDDC is a slap on the face of the people of Rivers State and an insult on the efforts our forebears who fought so long to bring development to their land.

The questions are? How did a car dealer suddenly become a high profile construction company? Why was a contract of that magnitude not awarded to tested and proven companies like Reynolds Construction Company (RCC) or Setraco as Julius Berger has chosen to leave the Niger Delta? Who authorized such a contract?

What contracts of such a whopping magnitude has Jafac Motors/Investments Ltd ever done in the Niger Delta? Who is fronting for Jafac Motors/Investments Ltd? Why make Rivers state a test or playing group for dubious, up-front paying contractors?

Our dear Governor, on the behalf of the youths of Rivers State, we reject the manner of award of these contracts and declare the process as fraudulent and deceit-ridden.

For almost a decade, we have watched with despair as almost 95% of the roads built by NDDC have suddenly collapsed. In fact, roads constructed less than two years ago by the Niger Delta Development Commission have nearly all collapsed. How long will we allow a people to shortchange and abuse our heritage?

What has happened to all the multi-billion naira contracts awarded by NDDC in Rivers State in the recent years? How far has the Kula Shore Protection project gone? Is the contractor not complaining that he has shared up all the money with NDDC top shots?

Is there no one to cry for us?

We call on your Excellency therefore to please intervene and impress on our brother, the Managing Director of the Commission Mr. Chibuzor Ugwoha and the Rivers State Representative on the Board, Mr. Emmanuel Georgewill to revoke these contracts immediately and re-award it to a more competent company.

If this is not done, the people of Bonny, Rivers State and the Niger Delta would not forgive him when the poor quality road that will be built begins to fail.

We wonder why Rivers State should be used a test ground for “wannabee” construction companies. We also wonder how a contract of this value can be given to a company without any engineering knowledge or competence. Do we not have people who can plead our case?

Your Excellency, Please intervene.

Sincerely Yours in the service of Rivers State

Somina Dagogo Jumbo

For: Rivers Enterprise Group

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