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Adefuye, Nigeria’s new Ambassador to the US, meets Obama on Monday

March 25, 2010
Professor Ade Adefuye, Nigeria’s new ambassador to the United States, will present his letters of accreditation to President Barak Obama at the White House on Monday.  The event will be followed by a reception at the Nigerian Embassy.
Professor Adefuye, a highly-respected historian and diplomat, will be assuming his new post about 13 months after Umaru Musa Yar’Adua recalled Retired Brigadier-General Oluwole Rotimi from the position following disagreements with his boss, former Foreign Affairs Minister Ojo Maduekwe. 

The subsequent nomination of Prof. Tunde Adeniran, a University of Ibadan lecturer and former education minister to replace Brigadier Rotimi failed to sail through on account of personal problems. 
Nigerians who know Professor Adefuye describe him as an “excellent” choice for the nation’s most important diplomatic seat.  He brings to the job previous experience as Nigeria’s Ambassador to Jamaica, Deputy High Commissioner in the United Kingdom, and Director of the Africa Section in the Commonwealth Secretariat in London.  His most recent engagement was as Adviser on Democracy and Good Governance to the President of the ECOWAS Commission.
He is expected to make an important statement on Monday about United States-Nigeria relations.

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