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Rumours of Yar’Adua ‘Appearance’ in Abuja: Grossly Exaggerated

March 25, 2010

 There was palpable tension and media frenzy at the National Mosque in Abuja today as word spread last night that Nigeria's ailing leader, Umaru Yar'Adua would make a surprise appearance there.

 There was palpable tension and media frenzy at the National Mosque in Abuja today as word spread last night that Nigeria's ailing leader, Umaru Yar'Adua would make a surprise appearance there.
It was a H-O-A-X. There was neither appearance nor apparition. As earlier reported by Saharareporters, Yar'Adua's health has not improved to the point that he can attend public prayers at the mosque. Remnants of his kitchen cabinet, led by his wife, have continued to create the false image of a miraculously- recovering person in an attempt to stall the progress being made by *Acting President Goodluck Jonathan.

A source told Saharareporters in Abuja last night as the rumor went out of control, "This so-called appearance by Yar'Adua at the National Mosque is a complete "National" hoax. The hoax is aimed at derailing the ministerial clearance scheduled for Monday. Truth is that Yar'Adua is still undergoing speech and physical therapy. It is not happening!"

He was right.  But although today’s non-event passed, our sources emphasized that more of them would come. 

According to sources close to Mrs. Yar'Adua, the cabal led by her will continue this kind of disingenuous disinformation about Yar'Adua's “recovery” they can make him appear in public.  Such a cameo appearance is being planned in the next few days, in the hope that they can retake power from Jonathan in April or May 2010, most especially to frustrate his visit to meet US president Obama in Washington DC this April.

Medical sources knowledgeable about Yar'Adua's condition insist he still can neither walk unaided nor speak audibly to anyone, but it is claimed that he met his mother and a select group of "close friends" last week.

Turai Yar'Adua has since yesterday summoned all her staff to return from vacation and travels embarked upon by them as since the failed Gestapo-style return of Yar'Adua almost one month ago. Although no one has seen Yar'Adua or his wife in public since their return to Nigeria, she has sponsored misleading media reports principally in The Nation, National Compass and Daily Trust newspapers claiming that Yar'Adua is making tremendous progress at recovery and resuming to work this week or early next week.  As in today’s case, all the claims have turned to be false.
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