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"Solidarity rally": Maurice Iwu drafting more busloads of paid "supporters" into Abuja

March 26, 2010

{joomplu:1834}{joomplu:1830}{joomplu:1833}  In preparation for rallies designed to make the Goodluck Jonathan government keep him in office, Maurice Iwu, the chairman of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), is arranging for busloads of youths to storm Abuja to hold three days of self-serving demonstrations, beginning Monday, March 30, for two hours every day.

{joomplu:1834}{joomplu:1830}{joomplu:1833}  In preparation for rallies designed to make the Goodluck Jonathan government keep him in office, Maurice Iwu, the chairman of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), is arranging for busloads of youths to storm Abuja to hold three days of self-serving demonstrations, beginning Monday, March 30, for two hours every day.
He is also carrying out an intensive and illegal political campaign within the commission to compel staff to support him during the demonstrations.  Saharareporters has obtained a copy of an internal memo he sent to the staff last week promoting his cause.

A source at the commission has told Saharareporters that Iwu called a meeting of directors last Thursday to set the tone for the "Iwu-must-stay" demonstrations by the staff.  He confirmed that teams of youths from the six geo political zones have been arranged to storm Abuja in the fake solidarity rallies.  The organization of the event is being undertaken by Iwu's finance firm, Real People Finance Limited, which is located at Adetokunbo Ademola street, Wuse 2, Abuja, which is visited regularly by Iwu's wife and son to protect his financial interests and inspect the books.

However, several conscientious INEC staff in the  commission have vowed to resist the pro-Iwu group who want to drag the staff into his selfish desire to cling to power at INEC. Many of the staff who are opposed to the chairman have been threatened.

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