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Obama praises Nigeria’s progress, as Adefuye presents Letter of Credence

March 30, 2010

President Barak Obama has applauded Nigeria for taking steps to restore confidence in the nation’s political system while adhering to democratic principles.  The United States leader was speaking at the White House on Monday while receiving Nigeria’s new ambassador, Professor Adebowale Ibidapo Adefuye, upon the presentation of his Letter of Credence. 

President Barak Obama has applauded Nigeria for taking steps to restore confidence in the nation’s political system while adhering to democratic principles.  The United States leader was speaking at the White House on Monday while receiving Nigeria’s new ambassador, Professor Adebowale Ibidapo Adefuye, upon the presentation of his Letter of Credence. 
Mr. Obama said the United States was encouraged by Acting President Jonathan’s public promises to strengthen democratic reforms, improve the economic environment, and address the ongoing violence and impunity seen in the Niger Delta and Jos.  “We look forward to supporting these efforts to improve the lives of all Nigeria’s citizens.”

He also commented on the upcoming US.-Nigeria Binational Commission, observing that it illustrated the desire of both nations to enhance their relationship on the basis of mutual commitment to development and peace. 
In his statement, Professor Adefuye noted that the interest of the United States in Nigeria’s economic and political well-being has been one of the critical factors in the progress made in consolidating democracy in Nigeria and delivering its dividends to the people of the country.
He also acknowledged the tremendous supporting Nigeria in the achieving sustainable regional security in West Africa, as well as in the fight against corruption and economic crimes; public health development; infrastructural development; capacity building in the oil sector; strengthening democratic institutions and counter-terrorism initiatives. 
“The Federal Republic of Nigeria requests that these initiatives be sustained and even increased in the following years,” the Ambassador said, as he looked forward to the successful implementation of the objectives of the Nigeria-United States Bi-National Commission, which will be launched
With reference to the Christmas Day 2009 Abdulmuttalab terror incident, Professor Adefuye said that it was condemnable, and that it has been severally condemned by Nigeria.  Without downplaying the seriousness of that event, he described it as a “one-off incident” which ought not to have warranted the classification of Nigeria as a country of interest in the fight against terrorism. 

“I have been asked by His Excellency Goodluck Jonathan to again convey Nigeria’s shock at this and urge you to revisit this issue as soon as possible,” he said, reiterating Nigeria’s continued cooperation with United States institutions in the fight against terrorism. 

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