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Senate approves 38 new Ministers for Jonathan

March 30, 2010

The Nigerian senate earlier today voted to approve all the screened ministers nominated last week by *Acting President Goodluck Jonathan. Thirty-eight names were submitted by Jonathan, and the Senate promptly commenced screening on Monday. Apart from the former minister of information, Dora Akunyili, the screening went smoothly despite petitions written against so many of the nominees.

The Nigerian senate earlier today voted to approve all the screened ministers nominated last week by *Acting President Goodluck Jonathan. Thirty-eight names were submitted by Jonathan, and the Senate promptly commenced screening on Monday. Apart from the former minister of information, Dora Akunyili, the screening went smoothly despite petitions written against so many of the nominees.
Saharareporters had revealed last week that the senators were demanding hefty bribes to facilitate the approval of the nominated ministers.  It is not clear how much was paid to pave the way for the ministers or whether some of the ministers also paid off Senators, as has usually happened, to hear the now famous words, "Bow and Go", a password for easy passage at the screenings.

Yesterday, Jonathan removed the name of the former Minister of Planning, Shamsudeen Usman, before he could be screened.  That followed the surfacing of a petition which detailed about how the minister allegedly stole N2 billion. It is expected that the new ministers would be assigned new portfolios and sworn in either tomorrow, before the Easter recess begins, or early next week.

Good Friday and Easter Monday are holidays in Nigeria.

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