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RE: Pope Benedict (XVI) Resigns

March 31, 2010

Brother Rudolph I would have ignored you this time but for Kal Kash. Mazi Okonkwo will not be allowed to get me going yet. Who do he think he is? Is it because he is my brother and I use to communicate with him? Please leave him alone but if that pope smart self, it will really help the stupid catholic church if he were to be of human reasoning.


It will help the vile criminal council controlling the church in Rome to begin to embrace God and break loose from the grip of Satan who is at the head of that harlotry business called catholic church. His resignation which will never happened since no pope ever resigned but jeither died in office or shot by gun man. The same evil agent controlling the catholic church also controls the Anglican church as well as all the so called Pentecostals, baptists and all other criminal groups of make believe churches. They simply fit into what Abami Eda called follow-follow. They pretend to worship God but they are into all sorts of evil and blood letting. 

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There is only one man who showed that he understands the scriptures and openly challenged a man like David Oyedepo a known cultist who also promotes it through his writings. The man wey I wan talk about is Pastor...O boy I can even remember his name. Ok guys, he was part of that failed outing tagged 'save Nigeria Group' whatever that means. This group no believe that Nigeria has gone beyond the cliff long time ago. I feel sorry for the man but I also see God's hand in his life. He does not promote the god in three palava at all. How can the One and only true God get son without wife? What do you also want to talk about Anobi Muhammadu of Saudi Arabia who later died in Ethiopia where they chased to after serially raping many young girls in the location called Arabia today? Do you also hear about his horse flying from mecca to Jerusalem temple where he took off to heaven so that they can match the Christian record of the Holy one ascending into Heaven after the resurrection.  Omo you may not publish this but let me assure you that I have always had this thoughts and you share the same understanding of all the fraud going on all in the name of fighting over our after life. 80% of the world population are very much aware of all these fraud going on. It is time we seek an end to all these nonsense and criminalities spoiling the world for us.


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You get to hear the muslims falsely claim that Mohamed flew into Jerusalem in his white horse and then landed in Jerusalem from Arabia which is about fifteen hundred miles by road. You can imagine such a magical horse that can not only fly, but fly for a long distance. I think the Arabs and all muslims the world over should revert to worshiping that horse if ever there was anything like that instead of worshiping the child molester who was chased out and later died in Ethiopia where the king of that land allowed him to stay until his final days when he later passed away and was buried there. No they will not listen since the religion abhors any kind of discussion or deep reasoning. Once you embrace Islam, you loose the sense of sound reasoning and objectivity. You become absolutely messed up. When you get to adult age you get circumcised, a time when you can experience the most pain. No it will not be done on the eightieth day after you were born so that it doesn't appear as if you are borrowing it from the Jews. Those who must be exterminated so that the world will be spacious enough for all muslims. You remain a dupe religion that must expunged from all human worship. You help to mess up fellow Africans who have always lived together until the Arabs used their criminal ideology to deceive our people who are today dying and killing in the name of an arab Idol called Allah.    


I don't know how many people that would like to be held hostage by religious dogma all in the name of serving an idol which all these various religious organizations choose to capitalize upon when describing their  deity as god. There is only One God if you believe in creation story but if you think there is another creator, then you miss the mark and do not consider yourself a creationist. If on the other hand you believe in the elements or anything that you can see or feel either on the air land or sea, then you are not any different from the Chinese who worship themselves. Few years ago on a trip to China, I met a lady and during lunch break at the office, I enquired about God and she told me that there is no God but that everyone is worshiping themselves as they are gods. I understood from there what happens in a true practicing communist State as China was then. Now they are rich and spreading and also taking over our land one locality at a time gradually.


You say you are not really messed up? Have you taken a look lately at the Igbo man? He has never bothered to seek his origins and who he really is. This is the people who waged war without much of external support and endured for almost three years until they were defeated by internal saboteurs. Today the Igbo man is a carricature of what he used to be. He is ready to sale out his brother and I know there are those that will call me names here. Yes, the Igbo man disappointed me just like that Bini boy for one movie called Osahon, who called himself a disappointment for getting cheated.  Well  some guys swiped his money to secure him visa to the United States. Remember they guy that sold his father's house while everyone including his parents were still residing in it before he sold it to pay for visa and ticket to the US before later discovering that he had just fallen mugu to some smarter guys?


I will leave the Igbo man's failures and how to make the recovery in another write-up. So the matter with the Catholic church is a very good example to examine all the funny criminal religious movements that inflict so much pain in the lives of people especially in Africa and the Igbo people in particular. What shall I say about how my people have been grossly misled by false teachers who have made a great amount of money by selling dummies to a people who would love to serve God but instead have been converted as pilgrims to western part of the country in the name of attending retreats during the time we suppose to meet and deliberate on the future of our various communities. Yes, the Igbo has been slaves to people in the Islands and the United States, Canada, Australia and some have also been cited in India and other Islands including Fiji.


The head of catholic church and Islam is one and only satan the adversary. Remember the role the church has played since the early 300CE or AD as some would like to describe that era. It was at the Nicene council that this wicked criminals decided to dump the early teachings of Jesus Christ and the fact that God is one and not three. These are bastards to say the least. They are blood suckers who killed so much during that era and continues to kill even to this day like their muslim brothers are doing across Nigeria.

They don't have shame and considers holding all the gold reserve in the world will give them enough cover before they sleep with little boys in their care at the various catholic schools.


Movies are not even enough to portray these criminals with their cousins at England as the head of the anglican fraud called church. Another band of backsliders who are also being used by the British monarch to advance pedophilia, drunkenness, homosexual, and lesbianism including other high crimes against humanity and lots of disregard to all things Godly.


They also want to reduce the human population by as much as 80%. This is what the wife of Queen Elizabeth (prince?) Philip said and was part of a documentary called you can watch the movie  foc by copying the above link and pasting it on your browser. We must all rise up and take on these criminals including their local players holding us hostage in Nigeria. I think we can take on the criminals and deal with a few of them using all our contacts in the army and at the street level to take them out and decide our destinies in that space. As for the Igbo people, is is obvious that we are the most looser in the failed Nigerian project. It is the time to start all over for us and to do this, we must all look toward going back home and picking up from the scratch. We are more than able to do it based on all the experiences we've garnered from all over the world. Of all the Sectors of the Nigeria, we are the only one without leaders. What we have as leaders are men and few women who have no business being alive. They are better dead than being alive and being leaders this way and by this I mean all of them.


We are so pathetic when you look into how we've been reduced to nothingness in the affairs of our own people. We promote kidnapping but we can't even kidnap the real problems like Chris Uba or Ralph Uwazuruike but we choose to work as staff to do their job for a paltry pay from them. These two men are known to control the business of Itoro Nmadu, nto or as a friend who moved back to Nigeria to work for his uncle's oil company will like to describe it as adult knapping, across the Igbo landscape. I challenge them to sue me to court if they think that I'm not stating the obvious here. Uwazuruike is one of the fraudulent Igbos who should die in jail without ever smelling freedom ever again. He sold out on the Igbo man and with that, he handed a weapon to those who think that we are lovers of money and sellers of their kinsmen at the mention of money. Raphael Uwazuruike sold out on the Igbo people and used MASSOB as a front to dupe the entire people. How can we be so smart and so stupid?


Igbo man must redeem himself from his failures. Any other group or tribe that is rejoicing at the challenges facing the Igbo man, must not look far to realize that without the Igbo man, they will not be what they are today. The Igbo man with his family members helped in no small ways to make all sections of Nigeria what they to this day but they are also the most short-changed in that project that never worked. As long as the Igbo man remains subdued and humiliated by the rest of the countries withing Nigeria, so long will the pain linger for all. This is no preachment but a proven historical fact. Those who celebrate their conquest of the Igbo must not forget that the Igbo man has certain things that has kept him going over the centuries. Their traditions and cultures have always served as a guide for them in times of crisis. These are special people who has contributed to human development wherever they are domiciled. They are all over the world and are great contributors in all sectors.


Ndi Igbo have single handedly been their worst enemies. Brothers and sisters poison each other without even blinking an eye. We put ourselves in harms way to please our detractors or to score some financial points. Just last week, some guys made it possible for a few of their brothers to loose almost fifty million Naira in goods seized by the Nigerian customs in the sea around Calabar. In my next post, I will name certain communities and what they are doing to harm the Igbo people's interests.


See how things happen just now I remember that pastor that follows Wole Soyinka to demonstrate and his name is Pastor Tunde Bakare. I will pay him a visit sometime when I travel home. I think that paddy dey sef. He is also a declarer of mono Creator and not the two or 2.5 gods. Europeans sold Africans dummies and my people seems to have grabbed it with both hands. We are being short changed by all the so called religious mega churches who do not care whatever happens at our various communities. Our people can be rescued and the time is now for them to wake up from their slumber and re embrace our cultures and traditions which the criminal Europeans termed idols. It is theirs that are the idols and not ours that has lasted many millenniums.

The endless April fool from all the mosques and churches must stop now!

Emeka Eze


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