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Happy Easter To Nigerians

April 3, 2010

Today as we mark the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ this day, we owe it to ourselves to love one another and use this Easter to embrace reconciliation and forgiveness, it is a great remembrance of all we have been given & his resurrection which culminates of all things meaningful signifies an eternal life. It is in the Christian calendar the holiest of holy days and remembering how he our Lord rose from death should indeed be a glorious celebration of spiritual rebirth and redemption from sin.

Today as we mark the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ this day, we owe it to ourselves to love one another and use this Easter to embrace reconciliation and forgiveness, it is a great remembrance of all we have been given & his resurrection which culminates of all things meaningful signifies an eternal life. It is in the Christian calendar the holiest of holy days and remembering how he our Lord rose from death should indeed be a glorious celebration of spiritual rebirth and redemption from sin.
With His message of life & hope from the teachings, we should rekindle our faith and be Christ-like in our daily lives, let us live a life of forgiveness & sacrificial love by reflecting on the themes of his unconditional love, we should give a new meaning to the word as the bible did record in John 12:31 "Thou shall love thy neighbour as thyself" there is none other commandment greater than this. Let us henceforth love one another devoid of bias prejudice, differences & self inclination for he has bled for our transgressions and taken upon himself the wounds of humanity. We are thus granted opportunity for new life by the forgiveness of sin & escape from bondage.

To The political class:

Due to the involvement of individuals & existing parties with opposite views, it is safe to say that everyone is entitled to his/her own opinion. We are humans & it is in my understanding that anger is a natural response when we feel concerned about when our beliefs are been challenged. The landscape should be accommodating so as to shelter men & women of various ideological inclinations and not a gathering of any sort that provides the atmosphere for verbal encounter and otherwise. As we celebrate Easter, let us reflect on building love among ourselves. We are one people regardless of our political differences and affiliations. God loved us even in our deepest sins, so why should we hate each other?

Jos / Niger-Delta Crisis:

I look with apprehension at the conditions prevailing in several regions of the nation. The renewed fighting & cases of kidnapping which has driven away the prospect of peace & worsened the regional crisis especially with regard to the onslaught of population in the north and growing unrest in the Niger Delta. We must shun conflict of any kind, the frequent eruption of violence and disruption of people’s way of life must stop and we all must be vocal proponents of this. We must strive to end inequalities, human suffering as we strike to enthrone social justice. Just as it is written in Matthew 6 vs 14, if we don’t forgive one another, God will not forgive us. We need to have good will towards each other and should not live in suspicion of each other.Let this Easter usher in a new attitude of love and mutual respect.

To Our Religious Leaders:

You can see the evils which afflict humanity with the foresight bestowed upon you from the cradle of faith, prayer and a shared commitment for the common good is the way forward, we also acknowledge your efforts in strengthening the force of moral obligation & closing the floodgate of iniquity and by his rising, the lord has not taken away the sufferings and evils from the world but has pulled it from its roots by the superabundance of his grace. Jesus Christ sacrificed his life for us. God, through Jesus Christ, demonstrated his love for us whilst we were sinners. The lesson we should learn from this is that we need to reach out to each other in love, like Jesus Christ loved us. This should be your teachings.

Upcoming 2011 Elections

Democracy is not a perfect system but no other system is or ever will be. In the past, gross mishandling of resources & snatching of ballot boxes has been a major drawback to credibility and fairness; these election rigging mechanisms that are committed with impunity in broad daylight, has eroded the legitimacy & transparency of our electoral processes. Politicians need to take care not to invoke deeply held beliefs and respected symbols on the side of a party political cause, rather politicians should reflect on how they will help to develop the country and promote love. A nation without love and respect is headed for doom. All of us have something we believe is worth dying for, mine is freedom to vote and be voted for, if that aligns me with a war or fulfilment of selfish political desires, then i guess i am wrong.

To Our Youths

We are vibrant & enthusiastic; we must from now refuse to be used as agents of destruction as we seek to channel our energies into being the change our nation need.  Ills and vices paralyses our dear nation’s political institution and puts the future in jeopardy, the future belongs to us so we must channel our resources to better use and learn to put our determination & focus in areas with far greater compensation. May this Easter bring a renewed national love, respect for the laws of the land and obedience to the words of our parents.

To President Goodluck Jonathan

By act of Divine Providence and not necessarily “goodluck” as people sort to think, the mantle of leadership has been deposited on you at this time of our national existence. As a leader whose emergence received the blessings of many far and near; it is only wise that you allow yourself be guided by the exemplary life of Christ whose name you call.

Our people want a change as Nigeria is long ripe for a paradigm shift the time for politicking is long gone as we are in urgent time to see solutions to our numerous challenges. With little time to end this administration you are reminded the very obvious threats to our nations peaceful coexistence. Total electoral reforms, immediate infrastructural renewal and development such as electricity, road constructions and overhaul, hospital reconstructions etc, should commence without further delay. I must commend the commitments you have shown towards Niger-Delta issue, war against corruptions and vice, however some grave works should be done to position Nigeria in her rightful place. May the spirit of this Easter be your guide.

My friends as we celebrate Easter I hope we live by the true meaning of the celebration and its teachings.

On behalf of my family and friends i wish everyone a Happy Easter.


Charles Jiduwah

[email protected]

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