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Trial of Ibori associates: I own four properties in London, Christine Ibori says

April 3, 2010

The trial of associates of James Ibori, the former governor of Nigeria’s Delta State, continued in London’s Southwark Crown Court last week, in the money-laundering case against Christine Ibie-Ibori, with testimony from Detective McDonald that included a taped interview with the suspect following her arrest on April 12 2006.

Image removed.The trial of associates of James Ibori, the former governor of Nigeria’s Delta State, continued in London’s Southwark Crown Court last week, in the money-laundering case against Christine Ibie-Ibori, with testimony from Detective McDonald that included a taped interview with the suspect following her arrest on April 12 2006.
Ibie-Ibori , who said she was the mother of three children, confirmed in the first of three interviews her ownership of 76 Wood hill Crescent, for which she explained she had paid “£510,000 but it was £480, 000 when sold because I paid for the fittings.”

Asked how she had obtained the funds for the deposit for the property, she said she made money from state government contracts in Nigeria.  Although denying obtaining any contracts from her brother, Governor James Ibori, she said she had enjoyed contracts from the Commission of Sports, Solomon Ogbe. 
To pay the mortgage, she said she used to receive £24,000 a month from her husband, support that had dwindled since her husband’s business “ran into problems back home.”

She confirmed she owned a total of four properties, but refused to say where she had obtained the money to buy them. 
Asked how she met up with her mortgage payments for 76 Wood hill Crescent property, as she was not in arrears, she would only stammer.  Despite insisting she was telling the truth “because I am a Christian,” she did not answer the question.

Ibie-Ibori also told her interviewer she had held three jobs in 2006.  On a job in which she said she sold sports equipment, she claimed made £20,000 on the sale of just four bicycles. 

She said she had earned £100,000 the previous year, but stammered when she was asked how much she paid on that amount in taxation. 
She avoided answering many questions altogether, sometimes stammering and shivering instead.   In the second and third interviews, she did not answer any questions at all. 

Detective McDonald explained to the court last week that the first interview was carried out in the presence of the defendant’s solicitor at Belgravia Police Station.
Full text…
P: Police or interviewer and D: Defendant or interviewee.

P:  Asked questions about her personal information and details.

D: gave the details

P: I will be asking you questions which you have a choice to answer or don’t say anything or ignore if you wish

D: Ok

P: You were arrested this morning at 76 Wood Hill Crescent right?

D: Yes

P: What is your status in the United Kingdom?

D: I am a resident...permanent

P: Are you a British Citizen?

D: No but my kids are.

P How many are they? What are their names? And What are their ages?

D: I have 3 girls, (gives their names), they are 19, 15 and 9 years.

P: Where is their father?

D: He is in Nigeria and has always been there.

P: When does he come to visit and what is his name?

D: He comes in often and his name is Cromwell Ibie

P: Who owns 76 Wood hill Crescent?

D: I do

P: For how long?

D: 4 years

P: Where have you stayed before?

D: Victoria Road, Kilburn. It is an old address owned by my husband.

P: Who owns it?

D: he owns it.

P: What is the address?

D: 78 Victoria Road, Nw10.

P: Nw10?
D: Nw6.

P: Do you work?

D: No. But I receive £2000 regular monthly allowance from my husband until 3 years ago.

P: That is £24, 000 a year right?

D: Yes

P: What happened?

D: Last 3 years, his business ran into problems back home, so the allowance is not regular now.

P: Can you give me an idea of how much you earn a month?

D: Nnnooo comment (stammers)
P: Is it difficult?

D: No comment.

P: How do you meet up with your mortgage repayments?

D: NNNNnooo comment (stammers)

P: Do you pay income tax?

D: No comment

P: How many bank accounts do you have? 

D: No comment

P: Are you telling me the truth?

D: I am because I am a Christian.

P: So how many bank accounts would you say you have, 2,3 4...?

D: It seems to me you know how many I have.

P: Where does the money come from?

D: No comment

D: Can I speak to my solicitor please?
5.17pm: They reconvened

P: Have you had time to discuss with your solicitor?

D: Yes, I have.
Ms Ibori started shivering a little  

P: Where the money came from, because you are not behind on your mortgage repayments?

D: I do little contracts in Nigeria?

P: What kind of contracts?

D: State contracts (she started mumbling and stammering)

P: What kind of contracts?

D: I supply and buy equipments for the states.

P: What are your qualifications?

D: No qualifications to be a contractor.

P: How do you get paid?

D: I get paid in Naira (N).

P: How do you receive the money?

D: Bank transfer

P: Where is the company?

D: We have a company in Nigeria that does all the jobs?

P: Do you need an experience?

D: With no experience

P: What is your position in the company?

D: I am a Director in the company

P: What is the company registration number?

D: I don’t know, the details are at home.

P: When was the company set up?

D: Emmmmm...1997

P: Where was the company registered?

D: It was registered in Nigeria.

By whom?
D: Mr Vin Uduaghan

P: What is his qualification?

D: He has a n MSc in Business & Political Science

P: What is the name of your company?

D: Onabin Limited

P: Are you ok? Why are you shivering? 

D: I have been shivering because I have been cold since I came here. I don’t want to waste time.

P: Who transfers the money?

D: No comment.

P: About the transfers.

D: I don’t want to answer.

P: How much did you pay for that place at 76 Wood Hill Crescent?

D: £510, 000 but it was £480, 000 when sold because i paid for the fittings.

P: How much mortgage do you pay monthly?

D: £2,000 interest only.

P: How much is it worth now?

D: I don’t know how much it’s worth now.

P: How much do you earn in a year in Nigeria?

D: It depends on how many contracts.

P: How much did you earn last year?

D: I have not looked at it?

P: Are you saying you have no idea what you earn?

D: I have not asked the accountant.

P: How much did you earn the previous year?

D: £100,000
P: How much tax did you pay on it?

D: No in Nigeria.
P: How much?

D: I have to ask my accountant.

P: Where is your accountant?

D: Ummm in Nigeria or here? Stammers...

P: Do you have an accountant in London?

D: No comment.

P: When was your last job?

D: Mid April

P: How many jobs have you had this year?

D: 3

P: What did you buy and sell?

D: Last job was track suits, sports equipment and riding bikes.

P: How many?

D: MMMm 2000

P: Where do you get them from?

D: Hong Kong

P: Where do you get the bikes from?

D: From United Kingdom from Sparkes through a girl an agent in Harlesden.

P: How many did you buy?

D: Last we bought 4 bikes.
P: How much have you earned from the 3 deals?

D: I have not...last £20, 000
P: £20, 000 on just 4 bikes?

D: The bikes were expensive

P: Is it a particular state that you get the contracts from?

D: My state.

P: Which state?

D: Delta state.

P: Do you have invoices for these items?

D: They are in Nigeria

P: Would you be able to bring it in the future?

D: Yes

P: You know some people have also been arrested?

D: Yes

P: Ms Okoronkwo?

D: Yes

P: What is your relationship with her?

D: Friend

P: How long have you known her for?

D: 10-15years

P: Would you say you 2 are close?

D: She helped me to get 1 or 2 things

P: Has she helped you this year?

D: No comment

P: Do you know Ms Ferguson?

D: Yes, she works for my brother.
P: Who is your brother?

D: James Ibori?

P: Does your brother Ibori give you a contract?

D: Is that an offense?

P: Then who gives you the contract?

D: A commissioner in my state.

P: Does your brother personally deal with you?

D: No

P: Which commissioner?

D: Commissioner for sports

P: What is his name?

D: Solomon Ogbe (spells 3x)

P: How did you get the deposit on the mortgage?

D: No comment

P: What is the amount?

D: No comment

P: Then how did you get the money?

D: Money was everything from the contract.

P: Can you tell us about another contract?

D: No comment

P: Do you get permission for what you are doing?

D: No comment

P: Do you get a commission like a percentage?

D: 10% on transactions

P: So is the last £20, 000 is it a percentage of £200, 000 job?

D: No, the job was £20, 000 my commission was £2, 000

P: Everything or are you talking about January to April?

D: Silent

P: How much commission did you receive from on the recent contract?

D: No comment

P: A lot of money came through his account; would you say it’s from criminal dealings?

D: No comment

P: How long has the money been in your account?

D: I know it’s not from criminal dealings.

P: So where is it from?

D: I have been working?

P: You answer some questions and you don’t answer some.

D: Silent'

P: How is it that you have worked?

D: No comment.

P: Do you own any other properties?

D: Yes
P: Where? 

D: In Kingbury. 58 Up Hill Drive

P: How do you pay for the mortgage?

D: There’s a tenant.

P: How much is the mortgage monthly?

D: £800

P: How much is it worth?

D:  £200, 000

P: Where do you know Ms Ferguson

D: She is my tenant
P: Do you know her well?

D: No

P: How does she pay for the rent?

D: I know she works, she pays monthly.

P: What other properties do you own?

D: I’m tired now..

P: How many more do you own?

D: mmmmm 2

P: So making a total of 4 right?

D: Yes

P: Where did you get the money for the properties?

D: No comment

D: I want to talk to my lawyer please and I need a glass of water.
Resumed from break – Normal protocols where ran through the defendant.

P: What are the two other property addresses?

D: No comment

P: £10,000 from your property was found during the search (approx)

D: I have Nigerian (N) naira there.
Solicitor says nothing at all.
Interview ended @ 5.54pm

Second Interview: 15/02/07 attended by both solicitor and defendant 
Third Interview: 10/09/07 (Defendant answered no comment to all questions asked during both second and third interviews.)

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