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Will DNA Determine the Real Trovan Test Patients?

April 3, 2010

The media was awash with news in July 2009 of an out-of-court agreement between Pfizer and Kano state government. Obviously, the agreement gladdened the hearts of many, especially Kano state indigenes who felt the legal tango would not assuage the feelings of relations and those who actually lost loved ones during the study.

The media was awash with news in July 2009 of an out-of-court agreement between Pfizer and Kano state government. Obviously, the agreement gladdened the hearts of many, especially Kano state indigenes who felt the legal tango would not assuage the feelings of relations and those who actually lost loved ones during the study.
But thirteen years after, and counting, participants in the clinical study must now be plagued by conflicting emotions as the DNA test date approaches. DNA test is one of the criteria set to determine the real patients’ who participated in the study. Of the two hundred patients who took part in the study, eleven persons reportedly died: five amongst those who were administered with Ceftriazone - the gold standard drug for meningitis; six of the patients treated with Trovan, a Pfizer drug.  Since then, many others may have passed on, leaving relations with the task of ensuring that a valid claim is made on their behalf.

But another twist was added to the tale by the revelation that about 600 persons have applied to the Trust Fund for compensation as participants in the study which was actually carried out on only 200 persons. This much was confirmed in a recent interview by the Chairman Meningitis/Healthcare Trust Fund, Hon Justice Abubakar Wali, (Rtd), one of the Trusts Funds set up under the agreement to administer the settlement and organise the DNA test. 

Justice Wali explained that the DNA criterion is to help identify the relationship between deceased participants, and the claimants, either brother, mother father or immediate brother or close relation. He revealed that an American based company BODE Technology has been contracted to carry out the DNA test alongside qualified Nigerian professionals.

How can the Trust sieve the wheat from the chaff, through DNA testing? What is a DNA test? Will it determine the real patients and aide the provision of final succour for the Trovan study participants? This perhaps informs the apprehension of those who oppose the DNA test outright, and claim that process is delaying the onset of compensation. Again, there is the hint that opposition to DNA test is a ploy to create confusion and short-change the real study participants from their compensation money.

Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia describes Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) as a nucleic acid that contains the genetic instructions used in the development and functioning of all known living organisms and some viruses. The main role of DNA molecules is the long-term storage of information.

DNA contains the genetic information that allows all modern living things to function, grow and reproduce.It is used by Forensic scientists to solve varying human genetic mysteries. DNA samples can be obtained in blood, semen, skin, saliva or hair found at a crime scene to identify a matching DNA of an individual, such as a perpetrator. In other words, DNA tests can provide valid information on human relationships. 

In spite of the lure of the compensation fund for the study participants, the DNA team may encounter some problems that may hinder a smooth exercise. Already a subtle misinformation campaign presenting the DNA test as a repeat of the original study is ongoing, and this may put spanner in the works, if care is not taken.

The task before the DNA team is to explain the test process and procedure to the locals, presenting a clear outline of the expected outcome to the participants in the most simple form in Hausa and English, so as to aide understanding and consent. That way, a major hurdle would have been crossed for the good of all. After all there is very little else that can be done to verify these claimants. DNA is the only solution that can be monitored by all parties concerned.

Asad Aliyu
Computer analyst
The agreement an amicable out of the court settlement was based on the long drawn legal battle over the 1996 Trovan clinical study conducted by Pfizer.
Under the terms of the settlement, a Healthcare/Meningitis Trust Fund and Healthcare Programmes Fund were set up. Amongst other goals, the Healthcare Trust is to make sure that compensation money of up to $175,000 USD will reach only those who apply to the Fund and are verified to confirm their participation in the study. It requires that only those who can prove death or permanent disability will be entitled to the compensation. It also provides that.

The composition of the Trust Funds includes respected Nigerians including two retired Justices, and was designed to ensure that the assignments are undertaken with a high degree of transparency so as to maintain trust in the settlement process.

The Trust Fund has been at work in earnest from it’s secretariat in Kano, amidst criticisms from Justice Wali explained that the initial delay was borne out of the need to get the Trust prepared for the process involving DNA tests and other modalities that have to be taken care of before compensation begins.

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