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How Reckless Lagos BRT Drivers Nearly Killed Me

April 17, 2010

{joomplu:1903}{joomplu:1916}{joomplu:1906}Dear Editor: I thank God for the gift of life and a second chance in life. I thank my family and friends for all their prayers and love. Every one has been asking what happened; let me narrate the story as best as I can.

{joomplu:1903}{joomplu:1916}{joomplu:1906}Dear Editor: I thank God for the gift of life and a second chance in life. I thank my family and friends for all their prayers and love. Every one has been asking what happened; let me narrate the story as best as I can.
I was driving home on  March 31 2010 on Third Mainland bridge in Lagos, when suddenly I felt a huge bang from behind and my car began to spin very fast, I looked up to see that the car was headed for the lagoon. I tried to unlock my seat belt and open the door so I could jump out before it threw me into the lagoon, but the belt was stuck. I guess I passed out and woke up in two days later in General hospital Marina.

 When I woke up the next day evening, I couldn't speak because I was in shock. My hubby and family told me that a Lagos Bus (BRT) going on top speed hit my car from behind then it started to spin towards the lagoon when people rushed out from their cars and with their joint effort, they stopped the car from falling over the bridge.

The ER doctor said I was lucky to be pulled out of the car by a professional doctor on the scene of the accident or I would have had cervical paralysis. I have been undergoing lots of tests and medication. I'm doing ok now. Did I mention that the area boys around stripped me of my jewelries, stole my phone, handbag and the valuables in my car?

We have sued the Lagos Bus Company because this is not the first time such a thing is happening. Hopefully by suing them, it will be the last time, they try to destroy people's life with their reckless drivers.

Please see attached Pictures as proof of the accident. I beg of you to publish this story so that people will know how reckless BRT drivers are.

Thank you,


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