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RE: Kano University of Science and technology (KUST), Wudil: ASUU Strike, New VC, etc, the real issues

April 23, 2010

Our Union came across a write up by somebody who called himself Shehu Garba Suleman (SGS) on Sunday 14th March, 2010 by 13:47pm posted at the popular website of The writer tried as much as he could to show that, the ASUU branch of Kano University of Science & Technology (KUST), Wudil has lost focus as it tried to compel an unqualified, overstayed Ag.  Vice Chancellor to vacate office and allow the elected Substantive Vice Chancellor to assume office.

Our Union came across a write up by somebody who called himself Shehu Garba Suleman (SGS) on Sunday 14th March, 2010 by 13:47pm posted at the popular website of The writer tried as much as he could to show that, the ASUU branch of Kano University of Science & Technology (KUST), Wudil has lost focus as it tried to compel an unqualified, overstayed Ag.  Vice Chancellor to vacate office and allow the elected Substantive Vice Chancellor to assume office.
To begin with, it is our believe that the write up did not deserve any iota of reply as it was not worthy of any substance to deserve such a reply from our humble Union and neither was it intended for any elucidation; but, for fear of misleading innocent publics into believing what was not, called for this “part of the pack”. Furthermore, Shehu Garba Suleman is not known to our Union whether as a member, an affiliate, a friend or a foe which left us with no option but to define him by scenarios so as to make this piece comprehensible.
SGS has a touch of somebody who either once belong to the Union, disloyal member of the Union, an academic staff who is yet to join the Union, member of the University community or bona fide friend/servant of the former Acting Vice Chancellor (Ag. VC) or combination of some of the above, who is now not happy with the happenings in the University. In either case, our Union has nothing against the person of the former Ag. Vice chancellor but has everything against what will undermine the good name of our young University and smear the future of our young graduates. Since SGS is such a coward Samaritan for holding back his real name and address and could not have the morale courage to bring forth the real issues as they were but rather blaming our Union for his self implicated academic phobia; let the Union help him.

The real issues:

The then Ag. VC is a First Degree holder in veterinary medicine hence the prefix (Dr.) among his names as against the common thinking of many that the title Dr. in his case refers to Academic Doctor (a qualification of someone who has successfully completed his Doctorate Degree otherwise known as Third Degree). Thus, throughout the stay of the Ag. VC in our University, he has held as his highest qualification a Bachelors Degree.
The Ag. VC was appointed by Kano State Government effective from December, 2008 to organise an election of substantive Vice Chancellor, though his appointment letter did not indicate the Acting tenure duration but our University regulations has stipulated that Acting capacity is only for six months. Logically, then Ag. VC would have vacated office in June, 2009. Alas! he fervently refused and concentrated in indoctrinating shallow minded people like SGS to fight his course against the will and interest of the system. The consequences SGS refused to allow himself see are numerous ranging from the credibility of our students statement of result and certificates which will ultimately carry the Ag. VC’s name and qualification. No University in this country or perhaps the whole world has ever had its VC with a first degree presiding over all meetings for the award of degree. It was because of these reasons and many others our Union at National level granted our branch the permission and mandate to go on strike if the then Ag. VC persist to vacate office, as expected he did not, and we went on strike which compelled him to vacate office in November, 2009 (five month illegal stay as his tenure was not renewed culminating to eleven month duration within which would have been more than enough to enable him concluded his assignment as most Universities have concluded processes of VC’s election in their University within two weeks). What can you call all these, protection of selfish interest? Or protection against an attempt to compromised our University standards?

It is unfortunate that you claimed “some of the members of the cabal are power thirsty and they wanted to be appointed to some responsible positions with lower qualifications. The acting Vice Chancellor appointed more qualified candidates instead, in the interest of the system” does this also qualifies the Ag. VC to be appointed in the first instance? as all the members of the Exco if not the entire academic staffs of the University are more qualified than him. Thus, at least all members of the academic staff are either undergoing postgraduate programme or have completed and ready to proceed. What can SGS say about this? A situation where the person with the lowest qualification is governing, or did SGS misconstrue the word highest with lowest? In any case, somebody who has spent eight (8) years studying and is not withdrawn is better than somebody who has been withdrawn twice and is not under any form of study. And why has not the Ag. VC checks and addresses such cases? Simple, he would have been the first victim! So, if SGS is not wise to see consequences his boss is.

To have mentioned the election of the new VC – who voted who did not did - to our own opinion did not arise, only that it presented a clear proof SGS has partaken in that process for him to have known who voted for who and above all is trying to show that he has voted for the new VC and he is expecting a souvenir as reward. Or else, his master disclosed the information to him, in which case the master compromised the oath of his office under civil rule.

Our Union was not and is not interested in anybody who is occupying the seat of KUST Vice Chancellor on the basis of his name or person but we are interested in one thing – the person occupying the seat must do the right thing, at right time following the right procedure- Even a wife will not concede to an unqualified husband who is doing the wrong thing at wrong time following the wrong procedure. The outcome will inevitably be that the wife will seek for a divorce even if it means going to public for their support or court of law and her children will join her in solidarity - and that was exactly what happened in KUST, Wudil- no more no less and whoever is SGS knows this!

what has SGS set to achieve from his writing? Perhaps plain favour and relevance, if not so, why has he made carbon copies (CC) to the followings:
 Executive Governor Kano state, Dr. Mallam Ibrahim Shekarau    ,
                Commissioner, Ministry for higher Education, Kano state.
                Secretary to the state Government.
                Pro-chancellor KUST
                Vice Chancellor KUST
                ASUU national Chairman
After all he has broadcasted it on the internet which is for every body’s consumption world wide. We are very sure the dignitaries he made cc to are more acquainted with our Union than him, only that they have senses while SGS lacks one. For instance, during our discussion and correspondences with some of them we never heard any one addressing ASUU National leader as “Chairman” but rather the correct nomenclature “National President” SGS should please take correction hence forth.

If one wakes up, bath, dress and parade himself as a sane person that did not qualify him as such but rather how he/she parades his behaviour and pair well with others. The mad man on street who walks bare and nacked without any sense of responsibility sees every sane and decent person who dresses neatly and responsibly as the mad person rather than himself. Isn’t this funny?

The claim of SGS that “Since he assumed office, the former acting Vice chancellor had refused to dance to the tune of the cabal. They were used to receiving fat deals from Vice chancellors for themselves, their relatives and parents. This was especially prominent during the repressive and brutal regime of the former Vice Chancellor Professor Ibrahim Shehu Diso who led the University to distress and uneasy tension...” is most disturbing as this unfounded claim has been levelled against the person of our deceased Chairman Nasir Husain (may his soul rest in peace) during his time. But Just-God cleared his name right when he was alive and shamed the devil perpetrators. Aren’t you tired? What profits you making allegations about the peaceful dead? May God forgive you!!

Good minded people who care about KUST, Wudil would be deflated with SGS write up which dwelled so much on matters that grieved him for selfish interest. One would expect rather an elaborative, extensive and educative piece which will be centred toward enlightening the public on the true situation in KUST for their support and advices. In any case, SGS has written his trivial piece on the basis of sentiment and false impression arising from childhood autism.

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