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Re: Halliburton Scandal - Uduimo J. Itsueli - No 22 on Your list

April 24, 2010

Publisher, Sahara Reporters: I had been inundated by friends and well wishers, as to your listing my name as one of those who Haliburton had paid illegal sums and bribes to in order to influence their desire to win LNG related contacts. I then went myself to your site and this was confirmed. You had listed me, no 22, as a beneficiary of the Halliburton bribery scandal. I am not. Neither Halliburton nor any of their agents, or associates ever paid any such money to me directly or indirectly.

Publisher, Sahara Reporters: I had been inundated by friends and well wishers, as to your listing my name as one of those who Haliburton had paid illegal sums and bribes to in order to influence their desire to win LNG related contacts. I then went myself to your site and this was confirmed. You had listed me, no 22, as a beneficiary of the Halliburton bribery scandal. I am not. Neither Halliburton nor any of their agents, or associates ever paid any such money to me directly or indirectly.
This listing of my name is not only in GROSS error, but is scandalous, libelious and damaging to my reputation. I cherish my honour and good name and have spent my life to work on, build and maintain it. I have taught my children the value of a good name built on integrity and high moral standards. I find it therefore extremely repugnant that my name should be wrongly and falsely included in the said publication.

My only venture into the public sector of the Petroleum industry was in the early 1990s. I was Group Chairman to the NNPC from June 1992 to September 1993, when I resigned my appointment. This was a non-Executive appointment. Throughout my 15 months as Chairman, I NEVER MET ANY OFFICIAL OR AGENT OF HALLIBURTON, OFFICIALLY, PRIVATELY OR SOCIALLY. NEITHER DID I PARTICIPATE OR PRESIDE OVER ANY ISSUES THAT HAD THE HALIBURTON NAME ON IT. I am therefore at a loss as to why on earth you would have included my name on your infamous list.

I demand that you immediately remove my name from that list and publish a rejoinder about the GROSS error. This too MUST occur in all the search engines related or affiliated to your site. I DEMAND THAT THIS BE DONE UNCONDITONALLY WITHIN THE NEXT 48hours. I also demand within 48 hours an explanation from you regarding this publication and your sources. FOR THE RECORDS, I STATE UNEQUIVOCALLY, THAT I KNOW NOTHING ABOUT HALLIBURTON, HAD NEVER MET THEIR NAMED MANAGING OR PRESIDING OFFICERS, OR AGENTS, ON THIS MATTER. IF YOU HAVE CONTRARY INFORMATION,JUSTICE DEMANDS THAT YOU PRESENT IT TO ME INCLUDING YOUR SOURCE AND DOCUMENTARY EVIDENCE AS WELL AS DETAILS OF THE SAID TRANSACTION.

I am one of those Businessmen and entrepreneurs who is in the forefront of the anticorruption fight. I HAVE NEVER OFFERED A BRIBE TO ANY ONE NOR TAKEN ANY BRIBE, EVER. THIS IS MY PRINCIPAL ETHICAL AND CHRISTIAN POSITION. I PREACH, TEACH AND PRACTICE INTERGRITY IN ALL MY DEALINGS. MINE IS ZERO TOLERANCE OF CORRUPTION, ANYWHERE. Your attack on me, is a deterrent to honest Nigerians  called for National or Professional service, even when it is in the interests of the nation or cleansing this cankerworm. If you claim you are fighting corruption, so am I. Why attack me, falsely, wrongly and without appropriate research. By this you not only link me to those I am fighting, but you discourage those like me who believe they can make a difference.

I am obviously seeking legal advice, but thought it best to contact you first. I shall expect to hear from you within the next 24 hours.I consider this a matter of great urgency.

The Rt. Hon. Chevalier Uduimo J. Itsueli, KSG,OON.
Dubri Oil Company Ltd.

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