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Babangida: A Final Curse On A Corruptible nation

April 26, 2010

Fellow Nigerians: A nation, they say, gets the kind of leadership she deserves. That means a truthful nation gets truthful leaders, and a corrupt nation gets corrupt leaders. The leadership of a nation is an antecedent of her character, because the nation usually elects leaders whose moral fibers are the same as the people. Many of us are living witnesses to the humiliating slide of Nigeria from the fountain of hope to the fountain of despondency.

Fellow Nigerians: A nation, they say, gets the kind of leadership she deserves. That means a truthful nation gets truthful leaders, and a corrupt nation gets corrupt leaders. The leadership of a nation is an antecedent of her character, because the nation usually elects leaders whose moral fibers are the same as the people. Many of us are living witnesses to the humiliating slide of Nigeria from the fountain of hope to the fountain of despondency.
Regrettably, our Motherland traded her greatness for hopelessness because we allowed it to happen. We tolerated the pests, like General Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida, the dictator who imposed himself on Nigeria between August 27, 1985 and August 26, 1993, to gnaw the nation to exhaustion. The surreptitiously stealing cabal leader dribbled, deceived, and lied his way to bringing Nigeria from the “Giant of Africa” to the “comedian of Africa.” Once again, Babangida is on his way to raping the nation. He wants to be the president! Here are some of the reasons why Nigerians should NEVER tolerate Babangida again:

    * The world respected Nigeria as a continental  power
    * Naira compared favorably to Western currencies
    * Unresolved political assassinations were limited
    * The green passport was respected abroad
    * We had presentable healthcare facilities
    * There were fewer homeless Nigerians
    * Electricity outages were bearable
    * Major cities had potable water
    * Nigerian roads were tolerable
    * Our schools had value 


    * Corruption, nepotism, sectionalism, & religious bigotry were institutionalized
    * Unwarranted assassinations (a la Dele Giwa, Mamman Vasta, etc) began
    * Babangida himself wondered how the Nigerian economy held up
    * Nigeria fell from grace to grate; we started irritating the world
    * Electricity, water, and travelable roads became enigmas
    * Men & women in uniforms started abusing Nigerians
    * Our hospitals became death-consulting facilities
    * Naira began its epical journey of devaluation
    * Our schools started losing respect
    * Nigeria became a joke

Conclusively, Babangida could be the final curse that would terminate the geographical entity called Nigeria if we remain complacent and let him return to Aso Rock. The future of your offspring is at stake here. I earnestly plead with you, DO NOT BE AFRAID to forward this to every responsible Nigerian you know. DELE AJAJA is my name, and I take full responsibility for this.
God bless Nigeria.

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