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Attention British High Commission! British Visa Forms On Sale for N 1000 In Ibadan

May 3, 2010
This is an alert to the British High Commission in Nigeria. On the 3rd of May, 2010, I visited the VFS Global Office at Bodija in Ibadan at about 2pm, to pick up a British Visa form. Upon inquiry, I was told by a young man inside the building that the visa form I required was available, but I will have to pay N1,000 for it.
I immediately protested this, pointing out that visa forms are free. Upon my protest, the young man started hauling abuses at me and dared me to report to anybody.

I immediately checked in the gatehouse attached to the building to see if any staff of the private security company guarding the building was around for me to make a complaint. To my astonishment all I saw in the gatehouse were uniforms belonging to the security company hung on the wall – I believe the name of the security company is Proton Security. I was later told outside the building that it was actually staff members of the security company that were selling British Visa forms.

I implore the British High Commission in Nigeria to act swiftly to stop this illegal act, and also require the security company to take appropriate disciplinary action against its staff members that were on duty on the said date and time..


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