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Rigging Of Condolence: Ribadu, Jonathan Goodluck &co.

May 6, 2010

Jesus wept aloud! To the many deceiving and hysterical condolences churning out of Nigeria since Yar´Adua went to his reward in the hereafter. To me, these are nothing but satanic verses. To the devil with it! Is Ribadu and co. doing this for the hell of it, or is this for real? These bunch of praise singers are scaring me out of my wit to be frank with you all. 

Jesus wept aloud! To the many deceiving and hysterical condolences churning out of Nigeria since Yar´Adua went to his reward in the hereafter. To me, these are nothing but satanic verses. To the devil with it! Is Ribadu and co. doing this for the hell of it, or is this for real? These bunch of praise singers are scaring me out of my wit to be frank with you all. 
These people are nothing but clowns in search of crowns. Ribadu could have been killed or maimed by the wicked truancy and diabolic of ex-President Yar´Adua and his journeymen. The ex-president put Ribadu in harm´s way that he had to flee abroad. We were all full of sympathies for young, decent Ribadu who did his utmost to cashier corruption heavies in Nigeria for their criminal wrongdoings. While Ribadu was for real in suppressing and checking crime, Yar´Adua was a fraud. The Ribadu that served in president Olusegun Obasanjo´s regime is another ball game altogether. There was the devil in that regime as they all buccaneered they way through, eight-yearlong.

Only if he were circumspect enough, in respect of those who lined up behind him when Luciferians in Abuja tried kill or capture him, he could have kept mute to the passing away of a lackluster ruler instead of insulting the support we lend him then. Like they say, surprise, is the best policy. Yar´adua appointed him EFCC torch man and so what? What good is it to appoint first and then ask for the head of your employee?

It´s very absurd on its face as it is overmuch that Ribadu and suchlike now pretend genuine modesty, positively eulogising a dead leader who in concert with his underlings and family maltreated and lied to Nigerians by the truckload. I feel like withdrawing and taking back the sympathies and hour-long blog I did on all Nigeria blogosphere then: to cue behind Ribadu during that hard time of his life. He has done every one of us who sincerely supported him during his trying time a disservice unmatched.

The onetime American president Thomas Jefferson once said: “In matters of fashion, swim with the current. In matters of conscience, stand like a rock.”

We not only rig elections in Nigeria but condolence and conscience as well. One could have expected Ribadu, Jonathan Goodluck and co. to stand by their consciences at this moment to describe Yar´adua exactly as he was rather than these attempts at political correctness. These uncalled-for good eulogies of once a deceptive leader are a roll call of the absurd. The attempt at erecting a Yar´adua´s cult followership as if trying to make Nigeria an obituary banana republic is nonsense to one side. Yes, we should mourn without malice but not in this regard. Yar´Adua on his way to the presidency and thereafter, was carless about mass of poverty-stricken Nigerians who died in their primes. It´s to those I condole at this moment.

It has been overpowering how Nigerians have been pouring proper eulogy on a man who chastised them with scorpion and reserved the goodies in Nigeria only for his Mike Aondokka close-knitted cohorts of co-persons. You Nigerians are subservient sadomasochistic loser.  You´re making our corrupt political leaders think they´re doing well. Those in Senate and sundry places who have legislated that criminals can vie for office, would be buoyed by how naïve you sheepish Nigerians are. Recently, the Lower House has opted for secret balloting rather than open one that progressives are calling for in our electoral reform under construction. It´s no thanks to your absolute pliable stupidity that our rulers continue to take us for granted. You couch potatoes and softies of Nigeria nativity continue to applaud our corrupt and wayward leader s both in life and in death.

I refuse to go with the flow of positive condolences outpouring for Yar´adua. Like Sarah Palin, the Republican Vice President that never was opines: ‘only a dead fish flows with the current.’ Call me names if you like; it takes only Jesus their Christ to love his haters. I am only human. In the heat of this moment of general obituary mood in Nigeria, I´d like to maintain the posture of an American rock-band by the name Skunk. The rock musical group Skunk had sung ‘weak, as I am no tears for you.’ This is my position now so far. I have no business pitying dead leaders who can´t walk on a straight line and more so, have to mercy upon the ordinary citizens. To their family people and hangers-on who egged useless leaders on, I don´t feel your pain. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.

President Jonathan Goodluck´s creditworthy eulogy for ex-president Yar´Adua is monkey-crap and false modesty. Jonathan´s chittering and chattering about Yar´Adua being his best friend and someone with exemplarity, confessing him as having genius for rule of law and due process is nonsensical and fraudulent. The truth is that they have never had love lost. Call a spade a spade and shame the devil.

You Nigerians should mind your eulogy for political correctness before you wreck yourself. Not mourning without malice has a better definition than supporting bad leaders dead or alive. Every misdirected word you mouth at this moment might indirectly be supporting the brazen corruption that is rife amongst out political leaders back in Nigeria.


Sunday Njokede writes from the European Union

[email protected]

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