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The End Of Impunity-A Medical Analysis Of Yar'adua's Illness And Death

May 8, 2010
In November of 2009, when late President Musa yardua was ferried to Saudi Arabia, we had surmised he was not going to return on his feet. That he was living on borrowed times, that Nigeria was in for a rough ride. We said as much in the anonymous medical analysis following his hurried departure. Some believed us, some chose to play the ethnic card, while some were bent on attacking the messenger. They were not too impressed by the message. Of course, the rest is history.
However, we ought to see the lessons in the drama that attended the absence of this man from government and eventually, his demise. One thing is certain, the man's auto immune disease  compounded his health problems. He reportedly had a kidney transplant while he was governor of Katsina state. Ethically, he was not qualified for a kidney transplant or any transplant for that matter. The reason being that his renal failure had a terminal comorbidity. He could have had ten transplants, it would still have failed due to his auto-immune disease If I may use words of Chinua Achebe, "the falcon could not hear the falconer."  The cells of his body could not recognize each other, so they; in lay man's terms, worked against each other and finished each other off.
His transfer from Abuja to Saudi  Arabia without adequate cerebral perfusion was what did this man in. We have it on reliable authority that he had used up : 3 cans of oxygen " by the time he got to Saudi Arabia. What he needed was not 3 cans of oxygen ( whatever that means). He needed at least 15 liters/min.  That he did not get. He was on steroids to suppress his errant cells, so whichever way we want to look at it he was a loser in the race with his health afflictions. Indeed, he had suffered a stroke by the time he left Nigeria. He was in ventricular failure hence his inability to maintain adequate perfusion and homeostasis. Above all, his doctor we have just learnt is a DERMATOLOGIST! He had no business treating a cardiac problem. I hope the dental and medical board of Nigeria will sanction this man. His case was a comedy of errors, right from when the lust for power made him to accept the Obasanjo arrangement in the do or die dance of 2007. His reliance on marabouts, by both he and his wife, leave a bad taste in the mouth. It was these marabouts from Niger republic, Chad and far flung places who messed with the head of Turai. They convinced her that  man who  technically died in November of 2009 was going to make a miraculous come back. I hope in her private and sober moments, she will admit to herself that those  users conned her to make money out of her pain. Above all, can any one even account for all the money spent chasing shadows when Mallam Yar'adua was already dead but hooked up to heart and lung machine, money spent on useless and phony prayers for a man who was beyond redemption while the country dithered on the verge of disintegration.
Besides all these drama, question that every one should ask his doctor/dermatologists is why did he not recognize his limitations and ask for back up of cardiologists?  Does it mean that the late president himself did not know the difference and the limitations of a dermatologist against his multiple ailments?  We will not even bother with Mrs Yar'adua because she is a patently ignorant woman. It was her ignorance and overbearing sense of self that drove her into almost precipitating a constitutional crisis in Nigeria.
Should we not be asking for the true identity of the person who appended his/her signature to the budget on behalf of the late mallam? When I wrote that Mrs Yar'adua was the de facto governor of Katsina state while the man was governor, a group of people took umbrage. Once  the man was too sick to do anything than look for ways to hang on to power,  his wife ruled by proxy. It was the same stunt she tried to pull in Abuja which met with resistance. Who was that impostor who supposedly spoke on BBC Hausa service? How about all those who saw him playing soccer, speaking to the birds and of course those phony religious leaders who met and prayed with him? I hope they will find time and humility of heart to ask God for forgiveness for lying in his name. After that, I hope the Christians amongst them will resign and go into purgatory for deep repentance. The Yar'adua they saw was in a vegetative state. He did not pray with them, he did not mouth something that sounded like A-m-e-n. If at all they saw the man, he was hopelessly sick and hooked up to monitors, and a ventilator.
Now, Nigerians need to put in place adequate provisions to prevent future occurrence of this type of impunity. Once we had the tragedy of Babangida and his evil ways. When we thought it was Uhuru after the disgraceful ouster of the demon of Minna, the gods cursed us over June 12 and inflicted us with the scourge of Abacha. Several assassinations later, he was removed after eating the cursed apple. However, the gods were not finished with us yet. They inflicted us with a disease, a scourge called Olusegun Obasanjo. He had no fear of man or the gods, he took himself too seriously, even when the rest of the world think, and accurately so that he is a buffoon with deep aversion for truth, he attempted to tweak the constitution and give himself the 3rd term. When that failed, the man went loco and inflicted us with Umar Yar'adua whose health status was suspect at best. It is convenient for the man to deny and mouth the name of God, but God will not come down to slap Okra out of his mouth. He will surely get his recompense for his ill will towards Nigeria.
We need to prepare ourselves for 2011. We need to unburden the yoke of ineptitude, bad governance, looting of public funds, and do or die politics in Nigeria. Indeed, we will die someday, why don't we die to make NIGERIA GREAT. I do not have any desire to pray for the repose of the soul of Yar'adua. As a Christian, I believe he has gone into judgement. As for those who are mouthing politically correct statements about the man, I say please spare us your fake drama. Some of you have very harsh and unprintable things to say about him privately. What we need to do now is to leave the man alone and let Nigeria be.

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