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Late President Yar Adua’s incommunicado

May 9, 2010

There is virtually no doubt that a cabal has been operating within the rank and file of both our legislative and executive arms of the government in spite of our might and capability to sustain a transparent system that can benefit the present and future generation. There are rudimentary and surface evidence that there have been covert and overt elements that have popped up to obstruct justice in our dear country but how further can they go unchecked is our major concern at the moment.

There is virtually no doubt that a cabal has been operating within the rank and file of both our legislative and executive arms of the government in spite of our might and capability to sustain a transparent system that can benefit the present and future generation. There are rudimentary and surface evidence that there have been covert and overt elements that have popped up to obstruct justice in our dear country but how further can they go unchecked is our major concern at the moment.
The enemies had been at work right from the day the late President Yar Adua was taken to Saudi Arabia for medical treatment a reason why no information was passed to the government sections of his absence and to crown up the deception no word was given to his then Vice President Goodluck Jonathan  who is now the President.

The evil perpetrators in the highest form of 419 purportedly forged Yar adua’s signature on the 2010 Budget, a document that was supposed to have been meticulously vetted by the chief executive officer of the nation before signing.
In the heat of the hide and seek game there were many unconfirmed news of Yar adua’s  ghosts appearance and disappearance , sometimes in his garden playing with beasts and sometimes on his way to prayer ground all making the best of the fraud on the nation. In another instance, it was reported that he spoke through the BBC and to some capital idols in the government all in a role to downcast many and to cripple government activities.

More tyranny was expressed by the ghost hand tormenting the nation when Yar adua was helplessly injected into Nigeria at the cover of darkness in a time we were experiencing transitory peace, this was when the doctrine of necessity had been invoked by the legislative body which gave Goodluck the power to act as President.

At the end the President that had been kept incommunicado from the governed had been taken on a journey of no return by the invisible hand. Again the nation has been kept in the dark to the last minute, no benefit was given to the people to pay her last respect to the late President, a casket was seen taken away but no eye gazed on the content which would have triggered pity from the people on the bereaved.

Now that the game is over, it is not in our nature to judge the dead or the bereaved neither shall we seek the victor and the vanquished amongst the living and the dead but to serve as a deterrent to people who might contemplate such acts of sabotage in future some people must have to talk.

The cabal operation all this while over  Yar adua’s ailment and demise must have caused hypertension for many hence there is urgent need for public healings by way of compensation  by this present regime of President  Goodluck Jonathan. Can he question the cabal and how? Yes as a President who cares he should not leave any stone untouched, he should immediately set up a panel to investigate the whole jokes right from when Yaradua was taken to Saudi Arabia up to his return and demise. All those who held him captive should be treated as potential offenders’ right from the wife Turai and those who were attending to him.

The investigation must be thorough and we must find out if he had been in his right senses this will help us determine the level of the cabal involvement in the whole affair, we know he was a gentle soul who believes in the rule of law. The government should be there to defend the defenseless!
 Patrick Prince Egwakhide-Moscow, Russia.

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