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Churg Strauss Syndrome: President Umura Yar'Adua's Mystery Illness

May 12, 2010
May 13, 2010: The recent death of President Umaru Yar’Adua of Nigeria and the confusion surrounding the nature of his illness, gives opportunity to raise awareness of Churg Strauss Syndrome, which reportedly was the cause of his death.
Churg Strauss Syndrome is a very rare form of small vessel vasculitis, or inflammation of blood vessels, which may affect any organ system. The hallmarks of the disease are late onset or worsening asthma and hypereosinophilia. Untreated, the disease is almost always fatal.

Diagnosis is often delayed, which can result in permanent organ damage. CSS may cause damage to the heart, lungs, liver, nerves, gastrointestinal tract and more rarely, the kidneys. When it affects the heart, pericarditis is not uncommon. Although kidney involvement is rare, when it does occur it can be fatal.

With prompt diagnosis and treatment with corticosteroids and other immunosuppressant drugs, most patients do achieve remission. On average, after 5 years of illness, over 80 percent of people survive the effects of CSS.

Vasculitis is a family of potentially life-threatening diseases of unknown cause linked by blood vessel inflammation and an overactive immune system. Left untreated, most types of vasculitis can cause serious organ/tissue damage and may lead to death. Currently there is no cure, but proper and early treatment allows most individuals to live near normal lives.

Joyce Kullman, Executive Director of the Vasculitis Foundation (VF) said, “Many vasculitis patients do not receive an early diagnosis because symptoms mimic other illnesses and many medical professionals do not recognize the symptoms of vasculitis. Unfortunately, delayed diagnosis of vasculitis can result in permanent tissue and organ damage. The VF seeks to raise awareness and understanding of vasculitis among the medical community. Vasculitis is a chronic illness and patients often must deal with multiple specialists, multiple medications, and multiple side effects from very harsh and difficult treatments.”

About the Churg Strauss Syndrome Association
The Churg Strauss Syndrome Association, an international organization for patients with Churg Strauss Syndrome, works in close partnership with the Vasculitis Foundation to to raise awareness of this rare form of vasculitis and to provide support to patients and family members.

About the Vasculitis Foundation
The VF is the international organization for patients with vasculitis. There is no known cause or cure for vasculitis. Early diagnosis and effective treatment are critical for patients. Through its website, educational materials, medical consultants, symposia, chapters and support groups the VF strives to educate and support patients, family members and medical professionals. The VF Research Program has funded over $800,000 in research to determine the cause, develop effective treatments and ultimately discover a cure for all types of vasculitis. The VF was established to alleviate the isolation that patients and families experience when these rare life-threatening diseases affect them. The VF strives to improve the lives of vasculitis patients around the world. For more information:

Contact: Jane Dion
Company: The Churg Strauss Syndrome Association
Phone: 413-862-3636 (USA)
Email: [email protected]

Montgomery, MA USA

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